The autumn feeling is not the same this year
I am really trying to enjoy the autumn this year, but for some reason, it’s not quite the same… I mean, nature is beautiful, the light is stunning and the smells are amazing, but. Yeah, there’s a but. Even though I am trying my best to enjoy the season and keep exploring my local surroundings the feeling is not the same. as the past couple of years. And to be completely honest, I do know the reason.
When I am not traveling around the world, I am planning the next trip, or the trip after that and the next one… you get the picture. And for a long time, we could still do that and we kept exploring the local areas, and even though I am enjoyed all that it’s was still not quite the same.
I have a few weekend trips planned with a few extra miles between me and the little old hometown, so that’s a little extra fun to look forward to. And we have some more local things planned as well for the autumn and early winter, so that will keep us afloat for a while. I know that I can still plan ahead for when the new normal has arrived and it makes sense to travel outside of Sweden again, but up until now I haven’t really done that at all… but for I got an idea that could work for next summer, so I am going to look into that – and that, my friends, will keep me afloat! I am not going to book anything yet, but I will allow myself to start doing the research, maybe just to keep me sane.

Det är inget som är sig likt år 2020. Man sitter liksom fast i ett starkt coronagrepp. Friheten har beskurits helt enkelt. Vi vill ge oss iväg senast i slutet av juli 2021, men ingen vet om vi kommer iväg!
Ja alltså, jag vet inte ens om man vågar planera in ett när, eller om man bara ska hålla sig till resmålet och aktiviteter… man blir ju så himla ledsen hela tiden när man måste avboka!
This year everything is so different but still waiting for 🍂 Autumn or you can say waiting for a hope.
Waiting for hope ❤️
I totally agree, this year nothing feels the same. Its such a shame!
I feel you on this one. Fall hasn’t been the same for me, either. Nothing has been the same. There’s just been a layer of gray over everything this year.
No, absolutly nothing feels the same!
Stay safe Angelina ❤️
I do wonder how the year of 2020 will be described in a few years…
Stay safe Ben ❤️
This year has been so crazy. Nothing has felt the same as it ever has before. I’m hopeful that when things get sorted out, we can go back to living more normal lives. I think we all need it at this point.
Yudith Napitupulu
I feel you, this year nothin feel the same. 2020 will be the worst year. This is in part because Covid-19. You’re not alone in feeling like 2020 might be cursed. I wish everything more better for next year.
I can’t help but to wonder what the new normal will be?
Thank you Yudith – nothing but the best for you to ❤️
Gervin Khan
Well, 2020 is the “best year” right? Lmao, I hope next year we will all have a great Autumn—year, rather.
Things definitely feel different this year, but I try to focus on all of the positives and know that next year will be different.
Det blir skönt med ett nytt år
I totally agree with you. This year is not the same as before. Covid has been a pain in the butt and really dampening the mood and vibes. I can’t wait for everything to get back to normal.
Yeah, I hear you! Things definitely aren’t the same. I go on walks down the same street, and even though everything looks exactly the same as it did a year ago, it feels different. Darn Covid!
Keeping my fingers crossed that 2021 will be better!½
Stay safe Heather ❤️
Ohja, jag längtar och håller tummarna för att 2021 blir bättre!
I keep wondering what the new normal will look like though…
Stay safe Matt ❤️
Jag håller tummarna för att vi något mer normal 2021, vad nu det kan vara…
Lyanna Soria
True, something feels missing this year for me as well. I can’t pinpoint it. Though I am loving the photo, it looks amazing!
Elizabeth O
I can relate to your points as the pandemic has turned lives upside down around the world. Planning ahead in anticipation is not a bad idea as it could help you switch moods for a while.
Thank you so much Lyanna! ❤️
I know, right? Thats why I am trying to look ahead, but not set any dates, just to get out of that dark feeling… stay safe Elizabeth ❤️
It sure is! Stay safe! ❤️
Ntensibe Edgar
For sure! This year is a complete mess and there is just very little we can do about it. Next year, fingers crossed, will be so much better.
This year is really differnet but though I am old I still plan for more trips. But I just don`t know when it could be possible. I an so happy that I have been travelling all my life ,for abot 70 years. First with my parents as oa child but from 15 by train through Europe and later all over the world. But I am happy to look back and do have fantastic menories. And I long for moe.