Sweden - Foodtravel,  Sweden - Nåttarö

Dinner @ Nåttarö Krog

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It was a magical night … outdoor seatings with a view overlooking the ocean as the is going down. It’s that kind of place that you see in the movies, you know the one where they show the perfect first date. That movie could have been shot at Nåttarö Krog.

Their menu changes with the seasons, during the summer there are more choices, but as they only have open during the weekends in the autumn the menu is a bit smaller. They close for a few months and then open back up for Christmas. The menu does not much though, and I can still see some of my favorite dishes hanging on throughout the colder days. I ordered the fish and it was oh so good, I do recommend it if you are into fish that is. The boys had their meat, of course, a Bookmakers toast and a fillet of beef, whilst Angelica did what I always use to do and ordered the pasta. And yes, as you can see on the images, we started out with a platter of fresh and cured meats and cheese, and an Irish coffee. Maybe a weird combo, but it worked.


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