Sweden - Gotland

  • Sweden - Gotland

    Medieval week

    I do belove that I have forgotten to show you some of the images from medieval week in Visby, Gotland this summer. So here we go… Pure magic if you ask me. The flickering lights, the food, the music, the dressed up people, the dressed up people dancing on the tables to the contemporary music in the most spectacular enviroment.Have you ever seen or experienced anything like it?

  • Sweden - Gotland

    Medieval Week

    It’s not just reenactment from the medieval times during the medieval week in Visby, Gotland. It’s also a lot of pirates. I just wanted to show you all what we looked like during of the nights as we were about to hit one of the many cool clubs that had a band of pirates playing. Have you ever heard Ye Banished Privateers?I’ve been listerning to them nonstop ever since we got back. //Ann

  • Sweden - Gotland


    Hallå, det blev ett kort uppehåll med idéer och semester men nu är vi igång igen.. Som ni läste tidigare så är det min första gång på medeltidsveckan där vi befinner oss just nu och det har varit en otrolig upplevelse, helt ärligt så var jag en aning skeptisk först och har aldrig haft en tanke på att delta.. tills jag träffade de här människorna! Vilken gemenskap och värme som jag har fått äran att dela med de här människorna, om jag blir godkänd efter den här veckan så finns det ingen tvivel på att jag kommer följa med igen. Jag har varit på marknader, sett folk hamna i stupstocken,…

  • Sweden - Gotland

    Eleven days to medieval week

    So I’m finally on my summervacation, four and a half weeks. Angelica went on hers a few days ago and I’ve been so jelous. But, about the eleven days. thats how long I have to wait until I can drag Angelica to medieval week in Visby, Gotland for the very first time. I’ve been going there for the past five years, this one spcific week each year and I cant wait to share that with her. To relive everything for the first time, through her. The endless nights of music and laughter, dancing around in an enviroment inspired from the medievaltimes. Has any one of you ever visited medieval week?…