Spain - Madrid

  • Spain - Madrid

    Komma ifrån vardagen

    Madrid var ett perfekt tillfälle att komma från vardagen lite. Även fast vi inte körde en vanlig ”upptäcksfärd” som vi brukar så fick jag ändå ut vad jag ville med resan. Umgås, skratta, dricka sangria, värme och ta dagen som den kom. Det var exakt vad vi gjorde, en semester får väll ha de också? / Angelica

  • Spain - Madrid


    I know, but I told you we had Italian in Spain. It was actually our first night, and I’m guessing you all know the feeling… you’ve been traveling all day, you just throw your bags at the hotel and head out on the town to get some food. Hungry as a wolf and a temper to go with it. Ha! Raise your hand if you know the feeling! Anyways, that’s why we ended up at an Italian place. That and the fact that it was outdoors but with infrared heaters, love that. That’s just an amazing feeling to be able to eat outdoors in february, especially for us that lives…

  • Spain - Madrid

    Madrid – first impression

    Well yes, lets give a first inpression of Madrid. Even though we just landed back home a few days ago, the city gave me a good taste that there’s more to come. Two days was really not enough time to even begin to see what the city has to offer and I’m afraid that we missed out on quite a lot. We didnt: See the Picasso in the Prado Museum Go sightsing Even think of a hop-on-hop-off Favorite things we actually did: Ate paella Found an anazing terrace on a roof Enjoyed the sun Had to much sangria Strolling down the endless streets at night Falling back in love with…

  • Spain - Madrid

    Inför Madrid

    Brukar ni få resfeber innan det är dags för resa? Jag har alltid haft de förr men nu reser vi så ofta så den känslan hinner liksom inte komma, tills nu.. Imorgon reser vi till Madrid och den här gången har jag resfeber, men jag älskar känslan och den tillhör! Allt borde vara nedpackat och jag är nästintill klar för avfärd, lite småfix och sen kaos några minuter innan så är allt som de brukar 😉 När vi kommer fram så ska det vara närmare 17 grader och sol, som Ann skrev så är vi redo för uteserveringar och fin blusen är nedpackad.. Vi hörs när vi kommer fram! //Angelica…

  • Italy - Rome,  Scotland - Edinburgh,  Spain - Madrid

    Bucketlist for 2019

    Okey, lets do one of thease bucketlists for 2019… is it cheating to put Madrid on the bucketlist, even though we already booked it? Madrid – Yes, I’m putting it in there. It’s a safe way to get one point. Rome – Ann has been there, done that, but she wouldnt mind doing it again. Angelica hasent been there so it would be a great city to visit together. New Orleans – that a bit of an overreach, but a bucketlist doesnt have to be all obtainable, does it? Malta – we’ve talked about going to Malta for years now, for the history and the sun ofcourse, so I say…

  • Spain - Madrid

    First trip for 2019 booked

    Yes, I know, we just landed from Madeira to repack before we head off to Dublin for New Years. But that just gave us enough time to book our first trip for 2019. We have been considering our options for quite some time now, but Madrid finally won the race. It’s not like it’s going to be the only trip for 2019, it’s just the first. I’m so looking forward to the tapas, flamenco, strolling around in local museums and artgalleries. But you know what, I’m gonna try to not make to many plans and just enjoy the ride. And the sangria. Has anyone been to Madrid and can give…