Spain - Barcelona
Best nine on Instagram 2019
We posted one just like this a year ago, on The best nine on Instagram 2018, and I am just as surprised now as I was back then of which images you have liked the most. And hey, you have given us dubbel the amont of likes this year, thats like… wow! Once again thank you so much for all your likes, comments and follows on instagram. Your support means the world to us. Anngelic Love,Ann & Angelica And hey, dont forget to join us on Facebook andInstagram for daily updates and more images.
Modelphotoshoot in Barcelona, part I
If I remember this correctly, which I am hoping I am, this was the second time that I did a modelphotoshoot abroad. The first photoshoot in Turkey gave me a bit of an appetite for doing this kind photoshoots, so as soon I we booked the trip to Barcelona I started looking for a modelagency to work with in Spain. I actually found a Swedish agency that had a few models in Spain, so I decided to give it a go. Both the model and the makeupartist lived around Barcelona, so they came up with the idea for the location. We had decided on a place to meet, we were…
Något som är viktigt för mig är minnen! Därför började jag med den briljanta idén, fotoböcker eller i vårt fall kallar vi de reseböcker. Det är så sällan man visar alla äventyr eftersom alla bilder ligger antingen i datorn eller telefonen och därför passar dessa böcker perfekt, jag visar dem alltid eller så hinner någon annan se dem först 😉 Det är pyssel och tar en massa tid men så värt de när dem är klara, för mig har vissa tagit ett halvår att göra och andra går lite fortare beroende på hur mycket bilder vi har… Fyra är klara utav sex, jag har Dublin och Madrid kvar som jag…
My Go-to
Go-to or fall back, call it whatever, but you know the one. That one good love that you had at the beginning of time, where everything just seemed great. But then it wasent. Maybe you grew apart. Had new loves and different lives. But your Go-to is the one you compare the others to, what it made you feel that time. How you longed when you were apart. Maybe it was a foolish young love, but its the one you always go back to. Over and over again. For me, thats so Barcelona. I’m not even sure that I can count the times I’ve been there, I’ve kind of lost…
Frieri i Barcelona
Helt ovetandes så var vi påväg ner till stranden, uppklädda för att fira in det nya året tillsammans, champagnen var nedpackad och kamerorna var med för att fånga den perfekta solnedgången.. … När L bestämde sig för att det perfekta ögonblicket skulle vara i Barcelona då började planeringen som jag inte hade en aning om. Det är många bitar som faller på plats när jag tänker tillbaka, som till exempel ringen. Ann och Hanna ville ha en gemensam ring och skulle beställa så snart som möjligt och behövde mitt fingermått. När L ”glömde” telefonen hos min mamma men istället bad om välsignelse av mamma, mormor och bror. När jag var…
Drinks at The Wild Rover
#barcelona #barcelonatips #influencer#travelblogger #drinks #travelphotography And you’re thinking that it seems a bit illogical to go to Barcelona and enter an Irish pub? Well yes, I see your point, but we found this place back in 2013 and we’ve been comming here ever since then. Which is several times, and I tell everyone that visits Barcelona to go to The Irish Rover, they have the best drinks in the city. Well I havent tried every bar in the city, but I have never been dissapointed when I’ve been to our Irish one either. They always have affordable prices, great staff and most importanly amazing drinks and live music. If you’re…
Hands up, who actually likes Mimosas? We tried it in Barcelona and I really gave it a shot, but this is just not for me. I mean champagne or sparkling wine and orangejuice, who ever came up with that? People seem to drink this for breakfast, or brunch, and hey I’m all for a fun start of the day but thats just nasty. Been there, done that, never doing it again. #drinks #travelblog #travelphotography#barcelona #spain #influencer
Sangria moments
Sangria moment, caught on new years eve in Barcelona. #travelblogger #influencer #sangria #barcelona #spain #travelphotography I’m guessing there will be some sangria moments in the near future for us. I’m even keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll be able to sit outdoors and enjoy the sun while we’re in Madrid. The weather looks really promising. Have any of you been in Madrid and have some tips?
Happy Valentines day
This image was taken while airporting in Barcelona, after our New years celebrations, that gave Angelica a husband to be. I dont think we’ve even told you about that part of the trip yet, but I can tell you this – it was pretty romantic! Come to think of it, eight years ago, today, was the day that my husband ask me to marry him. So this is our engagement day. But we’re really not the romantic kinds, so we dont take the celebrations that serious. Non romantic bafoons really, not like Angelica and her fiance, whom is redonkulous when it comes to romance. I’ll settle for a pizza. Anyways,…
Japp, det här är samma lista som många andra resebloggaren också fyllt i, som kommer ifrån Annika på Resefredag. Men eftersom vi båda tyckte att det var en kul lista och vi vanligtvis skriver på två olika språk, Angelica på svenska och Ann på engelska, så får ni listan på två språk och två olika svar på varje fråga. Hoppas att ni uppskattar läsningen. //A & A 1. Dyka i från poolkanten eller smyga i från badstegen/poolkanten? Diving in och climbing from the ladder? Jag är en riktig smygare, det är läskigt med kallt vatten. So am I, I love to swim, but I cant dive. 2. Backpacker eller “suitcaser”?…