Slovakia - Bratislava
Slovak National Theatre
Through out the years I’ve been to a ton different clasic shows, operas, operettas, ballet but it was my first time ever that I listen to a symphony orchestra at the Slovak National Theatre: the Historic Opera Building in Bratislava. As you can see from the image, the building has an amazing renaissance revival architechture that was constructed in 1886. My tip to you, even if you dont like the music or the play, just go anyways, for the architechture and the atmosphere. Its well worth it. In hindsight, I should have taken more images, and lots of them. I know, sorry there arent more, And I wish that I…
Vineyard in Modra
One of the nights whilest visiting Bratislava we took a bus to the nearby small village called Modra, to visit a slovakian vineyard. It sure was a picturesque little place, though it was like traveling back in time. On the busride we saw abóut two houses that had light on, all the others were completly dark because of poverty. They simply couldnt afford to turn on the lights. Or thats what we were told from our guide on the bus fifteen years ago, but I have learned some different fact in present day that tells a different story. At the winetasting they served quite a lot of different wines and…
I am sure the city has changed a bit since we had our weekend in Bratislava, hopefully, for the sake of the people. It was quite a strange feeling walking around the city, sometimes it felt like I was visiting two differient cities. There were a lot of resturants and big grand shoppings centers for the blooming tourism, right next to the half torn buildings and old department stores filled with durst, right next to beautiful old buildings filled with Christian Dior and Donna Karen. It was quite an experience to visit Bratislava, mixed feelings for sure. I dont think I would want to go back. It´s like when you…
62 days until christmas
Image taken in Bratislava Do you know that it’s only 62 days letf until christmas? Or 61 days and 14 hours, but who’s counting right. //Ann