Italy - Sicily
The best nine on istagram
Thank you so much for all your likes, comments and follows on instagram. Your support means the world to us. Anngelic Love, Ann & Angelica
Advent wishlist, part 2
Welcome, hello. This is our second advent sunday christmas wishlist, predictions, wants and needs in alphabetical order. 9th of december, while 9 days left until our next trip. Seems fitting doesnt it? G for Gibraltar. Did you know that if you visit Marbella, on a clear and sunny day, you can see all the way to Gibraltar? There are boattrips that take you from Marbella to Gibraltar, daytrips including dolphinsafari for 45 €. At the Upper rock you will surely bump in to one of the threehundred wild monkeys that live there, but be careful, they are known to be a bit violent, so keep distance. Highlands, yes to travel…
Lightning storm in Sicily
Kind of cool right? I wouldnt say that we had bad weather, but a few raindrops and the occasional thunderclouds came rolling in over the mountains every day during our visit in Sicily. The rain kept pooring for about an hour or so, so it wasnt bad, it gave us a perfect break from the sun everyday. //Ann #travelblogger #travelphotography #sicilien #italiensk #naturephotography
One magical evening in Sicily
Once upon a time there were two girls in Sicily, who were born on the same day but several years apart. The girls went to celebrate their birthdays and stumbled across this magical scenery that lead to an unforgettable night. The end. For now. //Ann
Another photoshoot
Traveling with bloggers and photonerds can’t be easy. Where ever we find a good backdrop or location, there’s a photoshoot. So we have the girls on the floor, and one of the men holding the camera, the other fixing the lights. Just a few shots. Changes, and a few more. Then single images. A few more including the both of us. Yes, we know you are hungry, just a few more images. But honestly, who can resist the urge when you find a place like this, when you just know you will have some really great images?
Photoshoot on the lavarocks from Etna
Whilest we were in Sicily, amongst the lavarocks created by the volcano Etna, we did a quick photoshoot to get some new headshoots done. What do you think?The rocks were amazing, a bit rough to sit on though. The entire surroundings were covered with these rocks, I cant even imagine the feeling of an erupting volcano. Did you know that just last year ten people were injured in an eruption. And there was actually some activity in volcano just a few days after we left Sicily. Some smaller lavaflow had emerged, sometimes generating ash plumes of several hundred meters height. Crazy. And crazycool. The photographer in me screams over…
Maten i Italien
Italien är framförallt känt för sin pasta och pizza, med all rätt för är det nånting som de kan så är det dessa rätter! Fråga Ann, hon levde på alla olika pastarätter som fanns på menyn 😉 Tyvärr så är inte jag mycket för skaldjur som är väldigt populärt med pasta så jag försökte mig på några kötträtter, vi kan väll säga att det inte är deras specialitet och vi svenskar är kända för att vi har gärna sås eller dipp till så i det hela var det väldigt torrt och tråkigt! Jag är inte rädd för att smaka, jag försökte testa olika skaldjurspastor från vårt sällskap och det är…
Giardini – Naxos
I have never been one for solitude but there’s something about a morningwalk on the lavarocks by the meditoranian. The peaceful silence, no tourists at all and best of all, you seem to have the world all to yourself. The water is amazing, clear and blue, perfect for free diving. We have seen some really cool fishes in the brightest of colours. But there’s quite a lot of jellyfish så well, so we’re trying our best to be careful. Angelicas fiance has been burned/stinged once, not bad though, but still. //Ann
Dinner in Taormina
right now we’re sitting in a small village on the mountain side, quite close to the volcano Etna, enjoying our dinner and a glas of wine. Talk soon lovelies, A & A
Birthday girls
Italien, vi fick ju äran att fira vår födelsedag här och alla har inte den turen att få dela födelsedag med en nära vän och ännu mindre i fina Sicilien! Vi startade vår dag på beachen med olika drinkar, lunch och många dopp i havet 😍 När vi tröttnade på all sand som gärna sätter sig överallt så gick vi tillbaka till vår pool och slappade några timmar innan vi begav oss ut på födelsedagsmiddag. Middagen bestod naturligtvis av pasta, vi är ju ändå i Italien, och vin. Samt fina gåvor av de underbara män vi släpar med oss på alla våra galna upptåg. Så för att summera dagen, kärlek…