Hungary - Budapest

  • Greece - Rhodes,  Hungary - Budapest,  Ireland - Dublin,  Scotland - Edinburgh,  Sweden - Gotland

    Top 5 travel destinations

    We’ve been challenged by Rejse Guide af Guld to tell you about our Top 5 travel destinations, I am going to start by telling you that picking five of the trips we have done over the years – that’s not an easy task, but I will try my best. There are so many different reasons to why a trip could have easely been the best, but it’s not about the trip itself, but about the desination so I have tried to stick to the destinations that have kind stuck with me after visitng and that I would really like to re-visit for some specific reason. EDINBURGH Does this come as…

  • Czech Republic - Prague,  Hungary - Budapest,  Italy - Sicily,  Spain - Barcelona


    Något som är viktigt för mig är minnen! Därför började jag med den briljanta idén, fotoböcker eller i vårt fall kallar vi de reseböcker. Det är så sällan man visar alla äventyr eftersom alla bilder ligger antingen i datorn eller telefonen och därför passar dessa böcker perfekt, jag visar dem alltid eller så hinner någon annan se dem först 😉 Det är pyssel och tar en massa tid men så värt de när dem är klara, för mig har vissa tagit ett halvår att göra och andra går lite fortare beroende på hur mycket bilder vi har… Fyra är klara utav sex, jag har Dublin och Madrid kvar som jag…

  • Hungary - Budapest,  Ireland - Dublin,  Italy - Sicily,  Spain - Madrid

    One year ago

    Today, exactly one year ago, we started this blog to be able to share our travels with you guys. Its been so much fun and hard work, but its all worth it when we receive your love and engagement. We have been through so much and visited so many places, its kind of crazy when you think about it. During this year we have been sunbathing on the lavarocks in Sicily, walking the medieval streets of Visby, gone by boat on danuberiver in Budapest, been on a cruice to Helsinki, spent christmas in Madeira, had guinness in a wheelchair in Dublin, got tattoos Madrid, visited the ancient city of Istanbul…

  • Greece - Rhodes,  Hungary - Budapest,  Italy - Sicily,  Marocko - Agadir,  Scotland - Edinburgh,  Turkey - Özdere

    Reselistan 2019 / Travellist 2019

    Hittade en reselista hos Lina och sånt är ju alltid kul att fylla i så här kommer våra svar. Och som vanligt så svarar Angelica på svenska och Ann på engelska. Hoppas att ni uppskattas svaren! Found a travellist at Linas at seeing as that stuffs always fun, heres our answers. And as usual Angelicas answers are in swedish and Anns are in english. Enjoy the read! Bästa resan? Best trip? Thats a though one to answer, tripwise or destination? I think I would have to say Edinburgh, cuz it left me wanting for so much more. Not just wanting to see more of Edinbugh, but of entire Scotland. Barcelona,…

  • Hungary - Budapest

    Street food karavan

    This is one of those places, that if you dont look to your right, you’ll pass it. Make sure you look for places like this in Budapest though, cuz this was by far the best foodplace we visited. It was like a ruinbar, but with foods. They had everything you could want in the karavans, langos, burgers, Mexican, Thai, pancaces and ofcourse hungarian food. Its really hard to decide what you want, when there’s so much yummie food to choose from but we ended up with two different thai foods and two mexican. Pick your food, pick your drinks and then pick a table. And the cost is next to…

  • Czech Republic - Prague,  Hungary - Budapest,  Ireland - Dublin,  Italy - Sicily,  Portugal - Madeira,  Spain - Barcelona

    Review of 2018

    This year has been great travelwise. We started the new year in Spain, Barcelona and ended it in Ireland, Dublin. How much more can a girl really ask for? I want to start off by saying thank you, to all of you who’ve been a long for the ride. Thanks to all of you, our followers and readers, our friends and family. Without you, none of this would be possible. January. Spain, Barcelona March. Prague, Czech Republic August. medieval week, Gotland, Sweden. August. Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy. October. Budapest, Hungary. October. Turku, Finland. December. Madeira, Portugal. December. Dublin, Ireland. Number of trips: 8 Visited countries: 8 New countries: 4 Days…

  • Hungary - Budapest

    Ruinbar – Szimpla Kert

    So what is a ruinbar?Well, it’s a bar built in a scrappy building with willfully mismatched furniture, and the most famous of them Szimpla, even has an old car in the garden that doubles as a table and chairs. The environment is really open, but there’s clutter everywhere. Everywhere. Arts and trinkets in all misplace locations making the bar filled with little treasures to find. In the bar area, there are several different smaller bars to get your drink of choice. And of course, there’s a scene with live music. Szimpla is the oldest and most popular of the ruin bars, they pretty much offer you everything you need for…

  • Hungary - Budapest

    The magic of Saint Stephen’s Basilica

    Lets start this week with some magic…  Once upon a time there was two couples who liked to travel the world and explore different cities. One night when the couples was out and enjoying good drinks in Budapest they meet this incredible building called Saint Stephen’s Basilica. Magic worthy of a fairytail, dont you think? //Ann

  • Hungary - Budapest


    Have you ever tried Pàlinka? I’ts a traditional fruit brandy that has been served since the middle ages, it comes in several different flavours, made with locally grown fruits like apple, apricot, cherries and plum. Sounds yummie right? Well, the bartender was more than willing to serve us a glas of Pàlinka and when we asked if he enjoyed it the answer was no. He compared the taste of the liquor to windowcleaner. Yeah right, one might think. But yes, that man was not wrong. You know that feeling when you spray your windowcleaner and some of the spraydust gets in your mouth, that’s Pàlinka for ya. If you go…