To much to see in Budapest
In the short time that we spent in Budapest, there was not enough time to see everything in Budapest, there’s just to much to see. When you start walking, in any direction, you are bound to find something interesting. Whether its a historic building, a monument, a ruin bar, a thermal bath. We usually do a long weekend, like wednesday to saturday, and that mostly enough. But not even close to enought when comes to Budapest. What a city! There’s gonna be a lot of posts about Budapest, and let me pre-apologize, cuz theres gonna be alot of praizing, complimenting and gushing about my my new found love for the…
The only thing that was not great about this trip to Budapest, Hungary was the fact that we flew by Wizzair. It was not bad, it was just not great. The airline deliberately places you in different seats all over the airplane when you check in online, just to make you pay for changing seats and it will cost you about 20€. If you forget to check in online, or just dont know that you have to – they will charge you 45€ to check you in at the counter.I’m guessing thats how this discount airline makes its money, and I know they have to earn it somehow. But I…
Sightseeing in Budapest
On the road, sightseeing is the main thing so sorry for the lack of uploads. We will catch up with you as soon as Budapest calms down.
First morning in Budapest
We have finally arrived in Budapest, and the city is already awakened. We are just having some coffee and then we are ready to start exploring. //Ann
So okey, I’ll start out by apologizing for the poor quality in the images, they were acually taken quite some time ago. A few years before Harry meet Sally, or Angelica meet Lee, your choice. But as I knew Lee before I ever meet Anglica, Lee was actually with us on this spur of the moment trip to Pisa, along with my husband and one of our childhood friends. Pisa is one of those cities that I would love to re-visit. Even though the city is really small and you dont need more than a weekend to see it all, its a great little city. The leaning tower is clearly…
The view from the hotel in Barcelona
We had the best of luck when we found our hotel in Barcelona, it was located in an intersecting street from the center of La Rambla. So we lived right in center of everything. The images above is taken from the balcony, just straight out to the street. Great view right? //Ann
A night in Prague
This was just one of all the night of “lets stop for a glas of wine before we…” And bloggers will be bloggers, so it always starts out with lots of images of the wine, and posing, and just a few more shots, and one more please, before its even aloud to taste the wine. Its like when your mama said no candy before dinner. No wine before instagram. Feels familiar to anyone? //Ann
Medieval Week
It’s not just reenactment from the medieval times during the medieval week in Visby, Gotland. It’s also a lot of pirates. I just wanted to show you all what we looked like during of the nights as we were about to hit one of the many cool clubs that had a band of pirates playing. Have you ever heard Ye Banished Privateers?I’ve been listerning to them nonstop ever since we got back. //Ann
The scottish whiskey experience
No, I’m not a big fan of whiskey, but when you bring the whiskey-loving husband to Edinburgh, there’s bound to be whiskey. And to be fair, its not just quite right beeing in Scotland and not going on a whiskey tour is there? So we ended up at the Scottish whiskey experience, located just before the Edinburgh Castle, in the old town. Beautiful building. You start out with a digital tour, sitting in a small whiskey barrel, where you get some information on how the scots make whiskey. Then there’s a tour guide/storyteller and a movie showing on all of the different districts in Scotland, like Highland, Speyside Islands, Lowlands,…
I set fire…
… to Angelica. The images above is from one of the nights in Prague. And it was one of those quite calm night, we went for coffee. That sounds all adult right, but it was Irish coffee. And then we went drinks at a small bar. Angelica was buzy taking pictures of the drinks, and selfies. As you can see it was the kind of shots at you lit of fire. So I did. And I spilled one. On Angelicas leg, so suddenly she was fire. Well her leg and her boot anyways. But the funny thing is, she was so buzy taking her pictures and selfies that she didnt…