• Spain - Madrid

    Inför Madrid

    Brukar ni få resfeber innan det är dags för resa? Jag har alltid haft de förr men nu reser vi så ofta så den känslan hinner liksom inte komma, tills nu.. Imorgon reser vi till Madrid och den här gången har jag resfeber, men jag älskar känslan och den tillhör! Allt borde vara nedpackat och jag är nästintill klar för avfärd, lite småfix och sen kaos några minuter innan så är allt som de brukar 😉 När vi kommer fram så ska det vara närmare 17 grader och sol, som Ann skrev så är vi redo för uteserveringar och fin blusen är nedpackad.. Vi hörs när vi kommer fram! //Angelica…

  • Spain - Barcelona

    Sangria moments

    Sangria moment, caught on new years eve in Barcelona. #travelblogger #influencer #sangria #barcelona #spain #travelphotography I’m guessing there will be some sangria moments in the near future for us. I’m even keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll be able to sit outdoors and enjoy the sun while we’re in Madrid. The weather looks really promising. Have any of you been in Madrid and have some tips?

  • Ireland - Dublin

    Clubhopping or barcrawls?

    There were probobly a lot of clubs around Dublin, but we didnt really go looking. Bars are more our cup of tea, or pint of Guinness if you please. Clubbing can be alright, for a shorter while, otherwise we do prefer bars. I would say we’re not much of dancers so much as talkers. If there’s good music, preferebly live, that’s a plus. In my oppinion I would rather have a draft in a cozy pub than a club of loud music with a big croud. What do you prefer, clubhopping or barcrawls? #travelblog #ireland #dublin#drink #travelphotography

  • Ireland - Dublin

    Killer Zombie at the Porter House Central

    Hah! Good titel right? 😀 Killer Zombie 10.00 € -two for one on wednesdays.Havana 3, Havana Especial, Apricot Brandyand Pineapple juice with a dark Rum float Not just a good title, good drinks aswell. We had the two for one special, a whiskey of course and shockingly a Gin and Tonic. And some Irish Coffee’s aswell. That sounds a bit much, on a wednesday, but hey – dont judge. They made for great pictures, whouldn’t you say? ​Have a good friday and a great weekend! //Ann

  • Spain - Barcelona

    Happy Valentines day

    This image was taken while airporting in Barcelona, after our New years celebrations, that gave Angelica a husband to be. I dont think we’ve even told you about that part of the trip yet, but I can tell you this – it was pretty romantic! Come to think of it, eight years ago, today, was the day that my husband ask me to marry him. So this is our engagement day. But we’re really not the romantic kinds, so we dont take the celebrations that serious. Non romantic bafoons really, not like Angelica and her fiance, whom is redonkulous when it comes to romance. I’ll settle for a pizza. Anyways,…

  • United Kingdom - London

    Kan man tröttna på London?

    Jag är inne på samma spår som Ann, har man varit där tillräckligt många gånger så blir man lite mätt! Det kan bero på att vi är nyfikna på att se nya saker, nya destinationer och få mersmak av världen. När jag har varit där så har det varit för att shoppa, de två första gångerna jag var där så hann vi med både shopping och utforska. Resterande blev de mest shopping 😉 Vi var där närmare en vecka och det jag absolut skulle se innan vi åkte hem var big ben. Vi tog nästan aldrig taxi utan vi använde våra ben eller tog tunnelbanan och hade ingen speciell plats…

  • Hungary - Budapest

    Street food karavan

    This is one of those places, that if you dont look to your right, you’ll pass it. Make sure you look for places like this in Budapest though, cuz this was by far the best foodplace we visited. It was like a ruinbar, but with foods. They had everything you could want in the karavans, langos, burgers, Mexican, Thai, pancaces and ofcourse hungarian food. Its really hard to decide what you want, when there’s so much yummie food to choose from but we ended up with two different thai foods and two mexican. Pick your food, pick your drinks and then pick a table. And the cost is next to…

  • Portugal - Madeira


    I know I’ve said it time and again, but there’s just something about waking up at a hotell and starting the day with watching the sunrise. Our hotel during our stay in Funchal in Madeira had the most amazing view, overlooking the ocean. So every morning I had my coffee in bed, whilst watching the sun rise. Amazing right?//Ann

  • Ireland - Dublin

    The buildings around Trinity University

    Just walking around Trinity University is an experiece in itself, the buildings that surround the area is fantastic. I mean of course it is, it was founded back in 1592 by Queen Elisabeth and it is Ireland’s oldest surviving university. I am well aware that the most iconic tourist place is not on my list of buildings that surround Trinity University. I think I’ll save that disappointment to a different post, stay tuned…