Lets take a raincheck… det betyder på svenska att man skjuter upp något eller att man har det innestående. So is that what we’re gonna have to do with our trip to Edinburgh? Its hard not to loose faith, but I’m trying to keep my chin up and my fingers crossed that the strike will be over soon. The big problem is that they dont even seem to be trying to negotiate with each other, they’re just throwing blameballs and accusations. Work it kids, mama’s got a plane to catch! I keep updating their website to see the latest news and updates. When it cocmes to the flight departyring to…
Will the SAS flight take us to Edinburgh?
As I think most of you have heard, SAS is in a strike, so theres been massive delays and cancelled flights. And yes of course we’re flying with SAS airlines on our trip to Edinburgh Scotland and our flight is in risk of beeing cancelled, so I’m checking their website a few times a day to catch any updates, but so far they havent even begun to show wednesdays cancelled flight. Yesterdays, and the day before that, we’re cancelled. Todays flights are on schedule, but we cant really be sure of the upcomming departures. It kind of feels a bit unsure, wouldnt you say? I’ll keep checking the websitesKeep your…
Selfiestick – do or dont?
Selfiestick? Om inte någon annan kan ta bilden så är det ju perfekt! Den användes saftigt i Madrid 😂 Jag älskar ju selfies och lärt mig exakt hur jag ska få en bra bild så jag behöver rätt ljus, vinkel och miljö. Någon som känner igen sig? Om Ann fick välja så skulle hon bryta av den där selfiesticken på mitten 😅 Så vad säger ni, selfiesticken – do or dont? /Angelica
Scotland Edinburgh, here we come!
Ah well, its about a week left before we leave for Edinburgh again, It’s almost time to start packning, but in order to do that I need to unpack the bag. Its still filled with shoes and clothings that I brought with us on our trip ti Madrid. Two months ago. I know. Anyways, moving on. Even though I have been to Edinburgh before and I have a pretty clear view of what I want to see and how to spend my days, I’m always open to having an idea pitched. Besides from having a photoshoot booked with the same modellingagency I worked with last year, I dont have any…
- Greece - Rhodes, Hungary - Budapest, Italy - Sicily, Marocko - Agadir, Scotland - Edinburgh, Turkey - Özdere
Reselistan 2019 / Travellist 2019
Hittade en reselista hos Lina och sånt är ju alltid kul att fylla i så här kommer våra svar. Och som vanligt så svarar Angelica på svenska och Ann på engelska. Hoppas att ni uppskattas svaren! Found a travellist at Linas at seeing as that stuffs always fun, heres our answers. And as usual Angelicas answers are in swedish and Anns are in english. Enjoy the read! Bästa resan? Best trip? Thats a though one to answer, tripwise or destination? I think I would have to say Edinburgh, cuz it left me wanting for so much more. Not just wanting to see more of Edinbugh, but of entire Scotland. Barcelona,…
My Go-to
Go-to or fall back, call it whatever, but you know the one. That one good love that you had at the beginning of time, where everything just seemed great. But then it wasent. Maybe you grew apart. Had new loves and different lives. But your Go-to is the one you compare the others to, what it made you feel that time. How you longed when you were apart. Maybe it was a foolish young love, but its the one you always go back to. Over and over again. For me, thats so Barcelona. I’m not even sure that I can count the times I’ve been there, I’ve kind of lost…
Happy Easter
Hopefully the easter bunny will bring you lots of vacations and travels in your easter eggs. But more importantly, we wish you a great easter weekend filled with joy, friends and family! Best wishes, A & A
Frieri i Barcelona
Helt ovetandes så var vi påväg ner till stranden, uppklädda för att fira in det nya året tillsammans, champagnen var nedpackad och kamerorna var med för att fånga den perfekta solnedgången.. … När L bestämde sig för att det perfekta ögonblicket skulle vara i Barcelona då började planeringen som jag inte hade en aning om. Det är många bitar som faller på plats när jag tänker tillbaka, som till exempel ringen. Ann och Hanna ville ha en gemensam ring och skulle beställa så snart som möjligt och behövde mitt fingermått. När L ”glömde” telefonen hos min mamma men istället bad om välsignelse av mamma, mormor och bror. När jag var…
Friday drinks – Baileys
Yes, I do love me a glas of Baileys from time to time, even though I’m not much of a sweet tooth. So for this Friday Drinks I’m gonna share an image of me having a glas of Baileys in Madeira during our chrtistmas trip. Do you like Baileys? Have a great weekend! //Ann #bailey #friday #drinks #fridaydrink #weekend #travelblogger #travelphotography
Photoshoot in the streets of Madrid
Well yes, it sure is like Angelica said in an earlier post. The streets of Madrid gave us plenty of opportunities to have improvised photoshoots, putting those old modelling skills to use. I use to model a bit in my younger years, but during the later like ten years I’ve been more comfortable behind the camera. Angelica will have none of that, not being in front of the camera is not an option when you’re along for the world tour of Angelicas life. I’m glad to in front of the camera though, I mean, if I didnt – I wouldnt have these images and I’m really happy how they turned…