How’s that buckelist coming?
I have been trying to figure out how to write a bucketlist for the coming travel season, whenever that might start, and however that might look… We don’t really know when we’ll be able to travel safely again, so it’s hard to give some kind of prediction for when we might get back out there. And I don’t want to be unsafe, so I will not rush it at all, but a girl can still dream, right?
I am thinking that maybe it’s for the best to stay within the closer areas of Sweden, and maybe go by bus or train to some of the closer countries that I actually have not visited yet. I know, shame on me! Some of them I have been to before though, like the Swedish cities I am mentioning below, but I would not mind visiting them again since it’s been quite a few years ago.
Here are my bucketlistworthy destinations for 2021, in two versions… the closer one that’s reachable with trains, busses, or boats, and the one with destinations further away but that might still be within reach. I haven’t really allowed myself to go all-in this year, so this list is a bit skimmed down for all obvious reasons. I am thinking that we’re most likely to stay within Sweden, but if we’re lucky enough, then maybe – just maybe, we’ll have a small window for traveling abroad.
Malmö in Sweden, by train.
Copenhagen in Denmark, by train.
Gotland in Sweden, by boat.
Tallinn in Estonia by boat.
Riga in Latvia by boat.
Gothenburg in Sweden, by train.
Oslo in Norway, by train.
Paris in France.
Lisbon in Portugal.
Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland.
Vilnius in Lithuania.
We did bucketlists for 2019 and 2020, check them out if you want some more inspiration on where to travel. And looking back at the older bucketlists we have shared with you, I can see that Paris is on our list for the third year in a row, and so are Copenhagen and Edinburgh. I know we’ve been to Edinburgh several times, but seeing as a bucketlist is a list of goals, dreams, and aspirations, then Edinburgh can never be crossed off no matter how many times we visit, it’s just my dream destination. It’s the one place I think of as the first place I am going to visit as soon as the world opens up and it’s safe enough to travel again. And for this year’s Edinburgh trip, I am thinking it’s in combination with Glasgow, so there’s a small difference. But I should really start planning the trips to Paris and Copenhagen right, it’s been a long time coming and I want to be able to have all my plans figured out when it’s the right time to start booking the upcoming trips.
So what do you think, is it safe to start planning ahead or should we stick to just dreaming?
Last year came with a lot of cancellations and to be completely honest, we have already started the new year by canceling a few trips within Sweden, so I am having a bit of mixed emotion when it comes to starting planning ahead. But then, on the other hand, I don’t really want to wait either… but let’s stay on the bright side, the bucketlist is for 2021 does not seem to be all that far off, so that’s a good thing, so maybe – just maybe we’ll be able to check off some of the destinations.
Long time, no see. It feel like that Way haha. Dont know either if we should plan or just dreaming. Im always make a bucketlist for the year in january, and must say dont know if the wishes come true. I hope so🥺 your destinations is great – especially Copenhagen 😍🇩🇰
I am keeping my fingers crossed that we’ll get to Copenhagen – maybe in the late spring 😊 I’ll give you a heads up when the time comes, and maybe we can meet up 😊
Hoppas man kan resa snart
Cristina Petrini
I love the mood! So you do it. We dream and don’t stop wanting to live, travel and explore!
Steven Morrissette
Your bucket list is amazing. Mine is coming well so far but it is not as extensive as yours haha.
I’m not doing any planning right now. Until I get that second dose of my vaccine, I’m staying inside. LOL
Elizabeth O
I have stopped making plans and just stuck with dreaming for the moment. As soon as I start planning something, new restrictions, regulations, or even lockdowns pop up again.
Tracy Isidore
I believe we should do both, plan and dream! I love the idea of a bucket list. I have one for what I want to complete in my lifetime, but I like the idea of a bucket list for each year.
Ja men eller hur!
Jag vill planera och boka in så himla mycket nu 😃 Har ni någon Sverige resa inbokad?
Thanks Chris ❤️
Haha thanks Steven!
What’s on your bucketlist?
Oh you’ve got the first one, super! ❤️
I feel you Elizabeth, I totally get that feeling! It’s been the same here in Sweden… 😟
What’s on your bucketlist?
That sounds so great , Copenhagen is nice – I’m living in Thy in the northern Jutland, so I think i couldnt be more far away from Copenhagen haha 😊
Oh haha I thought you were living in Copenhagen, sorry! 😃
Lyanna Soria
That sounds like a wonderful bucket list of places and I like that there are two versions as well. Hopefully you can visit most of them this year.
love your dream of bucket list! Thanks for sharing with us.
Julie Cao
Nice bucketlist. I too dreamed of traveling but not sure when it is safe to do so. Hope the pandemic will be gone soon and you are able to visit Edinburgh.
My bucket list is also extensive with many of the same places. But for me personally, its armchair travel only and sticking to dreaming. These places will always be there so I shall wait until 2022!
Thank you Lyanna, i wish you all the best aswell ❤️
Stay Safe Julie!
Hopefully we’ll be able to travel this year, but safety comes first 😊
I think it’s safe to plan ahead but with caution! Get out there and live your life!
Great bucket list! Yes, you should dream and of course, plan as much as possible in these times. Edinburgh and Copenhagen definitely need to be explored again. So much history and fun places to go to. Hope you can visit some nearby places first and then go to further ones. Good luck! 😊
Linda (LD Holland)
I like the idea of having two bucket lists for 2021. Things are still too uncertain to plan too far in advance. And we are still waiting for refunds for a major travel expense in 2020! We are starting to do the travel planning work but not booking yet.
You guys in Sweden are very fortunate – in Germany, we cannot even think about a staycation. Hence, also this year, I roll with the punshes.
Jag hoppas verkligen på att kunna se Högländerna här i Skottland i år! Lutar faktiskt mot att det kommer bli av när restriktionerna släpper nu så hoppas hoppas!
The dreams will keep me for sometime and then we’ll just see if it’s safe enough 😊
Thanks Jan 😊
Where’s the first place you will be going to when it’s possible to travel again?
I think I’ll stick to planning for a while, planning and dreaming, but that alone will keep me for quite sometime 😊
Stay safe Renata, that’s what matters in the end ❤️
Åh vad mysigt det låter! ❤️
Det är ju lite av en drömresa att få se Högländerna, gärna med tåg så att man verkligen får se allt. Har du rest runt mycket under din tid i Edinburgh?
Haha it’s okay for sure! You couldnt know that 😃😃
Anna Forsberg
Scotland har stått på min bucketlist i många år, men det får dröja lite till. Madeira vill jag återvända till, står högst i kurs just nu.
This is such a hard dilemma right now & one that I’m facing too. I am reluctant to dive in & commit to booking but also know that we need to start getting out there & supporting an industry that we all love. I hope you can at least make it to your beloved Edinburgh this year. I am hoping to get back to Scotland too…all being well. Fingers crossed for us all!
Of course you should make bucket lists – part of bucket lists is the fun of writing them, not of ticking them off. Quite often I return years later to some old bucket lists and discover that I have done about half of the things I have written down. We try to book tickets and hotels with good cancelation policy, just in case things do not work out.
Denmark and Sweden by train sounds really fun. Would you do these in separate trips or together? My bucket list is for the next year is essentially all the trips of mine that have been cancelled this past year.
Wow, you have a dream bucket list for 2021. Hopefully you cover all and that too risk free from Covid. I would love to know about Riga after your visit.
Denmark and sweden over train is dream. And I really wish you achieve it!
Underbart att drömma och göra bucketlists. Det är bara att hoppas att det mesta blir av. Jag har inte varit i Riga och Vilnius. Det övriga har jag bockat av. Vi får se vad reseåret för med sig! Fingers crossed!
Ja åh, jag har inte ens tänkt tanken att återvända till Madeira. Jag har bara varit där under vintersäsongen, men att se ön under våren och sommaren vore ju kanon!
Stay safe Sue 😊
Yeah, but for now I think I’ll stick to just planning in my head, not planning ahead 😊
I think I’ll try to do them together, go by train trough Sweden and end up in Denmark 😊
I will let you know 😊
Thank you so much! 😊
Just nu så nöjer jag mig med att drömma, men jag längtar massors efter att få ge mig ut och resa igen 😊