Top 5 travel destinations
We’ve been challenged by Rejse Guide af Guld to tell you about our Top 5 travel destinations, I am going to start by telling you that picking five of the trips we have done over the years – that’s not an easy task, but I will try my best.
There are so many different reasons to why a trip could have easely been the best, but it’s not about the trip itself, but about the desination so I have tried to stick to the destinations that have kind stuck with me after visitng and that I would really like to re-visit for some specific reason.
Does this come as a chock to anyone?
I love Edinburgh, so out of all the places I have ever visited, Edinburgh wins by a long shot. There’s just something special about this place, the vibes, the feelings, the sounds and the greyish color. I’m team Edinburgh all the way!
We have been to Edinburgh during late autumn and mid-summer, so I would love to see the spring or maybe even a New Years celebration. And yes, I would still like to visit Edinburgh during the Beltane festival that have been trying to get to the last couple of years, as you might know, I have had trips booked for that specific weekend twice but both times has been cancelled. Well, I would go back in a heartbeat if I could!
It’s such a great city with so many different places and buildings to see and visit, I loved walking around in the city and justsoaking in the atmosphere. Even though we saw quite a lot of the buildings when we had our weekend in Budapest due to the boattrip on the river Danube, I would love to go back and explore some more of the classic touristplaces, like the thermal baths. And that would be supercool to do during the winter.
We spent a New Years weekend in Dublin a fews back with a bunch of our closest friends and I loved the city. But I would really like to see it during a different season, prefrebly during the late spring I think, just to see the city in full bloom and maybe have a pint on an area of outdoor seating. And there’s still one thing left for me to do in Dublin, and that’s to see the Book of Kells that’s located at trinity University. The book is always there, but the one time I come to see it – it’s not, so the next time I’ll be there the book better bee there to!
Yeah, the Greek island Rhodes is one of my favorites for all the obvious reasons, the beach and the great food for sure. But as you are all aware, I am a bit of a history geek and the island of Rhodes gave me so much in that department. I would love to go back and just visit more historical places around the island.
For a few years in a row we visited the Swedish island Gotland every summer, and it’s just a great place to spend your summervacations. I have visited the island during the winter aswell, and it’s pretty for sure, but it’s nothing like the summers.

Budapest är jättefint under vintern. Väldigt mysigt att strosa runt på julmarknaden.
Glad for du tog imod udfordringen! Mega fedt.. Og fede destinationer. Total enig med Budapest – og du har simpelthen bare en forkærlighed for Edingburgh haha
Jag har aldrig sett Edinburgh eller Budapest, känns som ett måste
I’ve seen the book at Kells but we didn’t get to go in the castle. It was closed down when we went which was a huge bummer.
I would love to see all of these places. What I love so much about Europe is how diverse every country is and how easy it is to get to them all.
Oh wow. Every one of these places is already on my bucket list. They’re all so uniquely beautiful, and they all have such historical significance.
Any accident that all five are in Europe? Is that where you do most of your travels, or has Europe proven itself best overall?
pati robins
Dublin is on my wish list as soon as we are out of lockdown
both Edinburgh and Dublin are on my bucket travel list – I have been all over Europe but never to the UK, which I am so longing to do. Great suggestions – blessings!
Jag har endast varit på Rhodos utifrån eran lista💕Men skulle så gärna vilja besöka edingburgh
Jag hade inte haft nått emot att besöka Budapest när det är fullt av snö 😊
Vet du om det finns bra julmarknad där?
Haha asså ja, Edinburgh är min stora kärlek 😃
När vi får resa igen, vilken är den första destinationen du besöker?
Ja båda är verkligen ett måste! 😃
Paris känns också som en sån destination, har du varit där?
Book at Kells ❤️
I totally agree with you Colleen 😊
Have you been to any of them Brianne?
Yeah, you are right, they are all in Europe and that’s where we mostly travel. I know the world is a big place and there’s so much more to see, but I am so not done with Europe yet, there’s still so many places to see 😊
You will love Dublin Pati 😊
I have a dream of going traintrotting around the UK for a few weeks, I am so hopping that the lockdown will ease up sooon so that we’re able to get back to traveling ❤️
Jag är helt säker på att du skulle älska Edinburgh, det finns något för alla i den staden 😊
Har du varit i några andra städer i UK?
Ja för länge sen. Det blev ingen favoritstad
Rhodes is so beautiful, I really wanna go back someday. I actually experienced an earthquake while i was there once haha.
Dublin in my bucket list . Really want to visit there sometimes.
Jeg ved faktisk ikke, hvad den første destination skal være, for jeg har egentlig mange planer haha. Kunne godt tænke mig Amsterdam, men jeg bliver bachelor til sommer, så kan jeg holde “sabbatår” igen, hvor jeg drømmer om Sri Lanka, Vietnam og Philippinerne – og en smut tilbage til Bali😃
I hope you get to go soon Veronika, really soon!
It’s an amazing city Angela, you are perfectly right to have that destination on your bucketlist – I would not mind at all to re-visit the city 😊
At this point I would love to visit anywhere! I miss travel!
I have visited both Edinburgh and Dublin. I do love to visit an island, and I have added Rhodes and Gotland to my bucket list. Budapest is on my city bucket list and maybe when we can start travelling again, I can cross some of them off.
I always enjoy reading about peoples top choices of where to go. You are clearly a fan of cities which I have to admit I was until recent years, now I tend to avoid them. I have been to all except Rhodes & Gotland. I have only been to Edinburgh for work trips & my hen do, so your enthusiasm definitely makes me want to head back there. For me my top 3 countries currently are Cuba, New Zealand & Ireland.
Åh så himla fina platser, har bara varit på Rhodos ❤️ Kram
I’m impressed since I never could pick five of my favorite places. They were all so different – in their own way. Some had nature, some rather cool cities. Also, it depends on vibes and cuisine and million other things. Apart from very few places, I would go back to each of those destinations in the blink of an eye.
Linda (LD Holland)
I understand how it would be tough to pick the top 5 destinations. We visited 3 of your 5 and I can understand their appeal. But we will have to check out Rhodes and Gotland on future travels. Love the variety in the spots you chose.
I definitely agree with you about Edinburgh it is really lovely and charming at any time of the year.
Vilka underbara ställen!! 😍 Har ju bara varit på Gotland då jag bor här 😅
Mila R
Visited all of these and my vote goes to Budapest. So many things to do, such a beautiful city!
So do I! 😊
I do love Edinburgh ❤️
Hm, I did not think of it that way, that I am a fan of cities, I just realized that I enjoy greyish brown cities that are really old with lots of history 😃
Inte ens Gotland? ❤️
What would be your top 5?
Men så lyxigt att bo på Gotland 😊
Vart på ön?
What would be yout pick for the top 5? 😊
Kul och intressant att få höra att du även varit på Gotland på vintern- inte lika så vanligt ju 😀! Härligt !