Mexican tacos
Yes, we all love tacos right, and for me that’s always a given card for a dinner party, seeing as most people seem to enjoy our Swedish version of the meal. But just to spice it up a bit and just give it that little extra, we decided to go all-in on Mexican taco night.
In Sweden, we mostly use minced meat, store-bought tortilla bread, and chips, along with some veggies and a hot tomatosause and sour cream. That’s basically a Swedish taco Friday, also called fredagsmys.
So we made Mexican Carnitas instead of our usual meats, and a Pig out Salsa, some regular salsa, homemade tortillas, and nacho chips. That was served with two different types of Mexican beer, and of course some Tequila. Hey, you can’t really have a Mexican night without Tequila?
Mexican Carnitas
Peel and chop 8 garlic cloves, that you mix with 1 dl brown sugar, 3 tbsp oregano, paprika powder – both 3 tbsp regular and1 tbsp smoked, 2,5 tbsp chili powder, 2 tsp cinnamon, and 4 tsp salt. Rub the mixture of spices on to the Pork Carts, and leave to marinate for about an hour.
Turn on your oven to 225 degrees.
Gently broil your 1,5 kg of Pork Cart in a pan with both butter and oil, then leave the meat in an oven-safe pan and add the juice of two oranges, two limes, some soya, and two bottles of Mexican beer. Yes, Corona. Tear the shell of one orange and add that to the pan as well, then cook it all in the oven for one and a half hour, until most of the fluids are gone, that would make the meat tender enough to be pulled apart – like pulled pork, only its Mexican style that’s served as tacos.
It sure took a while to cook the Carnitas, but it was well worth it. Can you even imagine the smell that filled the kitchen with all the spices… so yummy!
Pig out Salsa
So you mix 1 tsp of olive oil with a garlic clove and a 2,5 dl of corn kernels, add 1 dl of black beans, 250 g of cherry tomatoes, half of the red onion, and some finely chopped coriander. You can absolutely change the coriander to cilantro, which I did after I figured out that I don’t really like the taste of coriander. Add some sugar, salt, and pepper and you’re good to go.
It kind of looks like a salad with sausage huh?
Homemade Tortillas and Nachos
The tortillas were nothing short of amazing, except for the first one which is kind of like the first pancake, always a failure. Just mix flour, baking soda, salt, butter, water, and olive oil into a batter. Fry the tortillas just as you do a pancake, super easy.
The nacho on the other hand was a whole other story… it tasted great, but we kind of followed the recipe into the wild. So for starters, you add cornflour, baking soda, chili powder, salt, water, and rapeseed oil into a bowl, that you turn into a dough. Roll the dough onto an oven plate, and here comes the part that made our nachos a bit muchy… bake in the oven at 175 degrees for 10 minutes. In hindsight, we should have gone with the gut-feeling and had the nachos in the oven until they looked ready cuz they were so not ready in 10 minutes. Our chips were kind of chewy not crispy, the flavor was good though, but Nah… next time we`ll do it our own way.
Doesn’t this just look like the perfect table spread for the beginning of autumn? Oh and the beer you see in the background is Bocanegra and Negra Modelo. They were both on the sweeter side, which worked just fine with the spicy food. I am not much of a beer drinker, so maybe my two cents in the matter aren`t really that fair, but in my opinion, they were both okay. Personally, I would have preferred a glass of red wine to this meal, but beer worked.
Do you have a favorite Mexican dish?

That looks like the perfect meal to me. I mean, you can’t ever go wrong with tacos and beer!
I love this idea. I don’t think I’ve ever seen tacos used in a romantic setting before. Taco Tuesday becomes date night, and I love it!
Linda (LD Holand)
In these days of eating at home all the time, we are always looking for new foods. You have inspired me to add tacos to the meal plan for this week. I may even have to get some extra Mexican beer to go with them! Although there seems to be a short supply of Corona beer now. I guess I know why! I never thought of making my own tortillas and nachos. But we will see how that goes.
Haha totally agree with you Ben 😃
Haha yeah get that beer and serve that great tacoes, I am sure the family will love it Linda!
And hey, let me know if you made some tortillas?
Nikola Roza
Hi Anngelic,
you said at the start of the article that we all love tacos. That’s not true as I don’t. Not because I don’t like them. But because I never had them. Though looking at your images makes me want to change that factoid ASAP:)
sayed williams
I haven’t tried out much Mexican food. All the items looks so colorful and delicious and Mediterranean.
pati robins
oh Yum! Taccos are my absolute fav! and yours look absolutely divine ! what a feast
Hi Nikola,
you are missing out – just go out and get tacos! 😃
I think you will like it, and tacos are found in a millioon different ways – I love fishtacos 😊
Haha thanks Pati 😃
emman damian
I love Mexican tacos. I like it with lots of cheese and salsa! Perfect dinner right?
Sarah M
I have heard a lot about Mexican foods but never tried them. The photos are mouthwatering and I’d love to taste them.
Ntensibe Edgar
Nnniiiccceeeeeee…I always hear about Mexican tacos but I haven’t heard the honour of enjoying some before. I would love to. I don’t know much about Mexican food, too. Would love to learn and enjoy.
Oh yeah, we totally forgot the cheese!
You really should Sarah, I do belive that you will love it. And I am guessing that tacos are not the most common Mexican dish, there are so much more! I can’t wait to explore some more! 😊
Oh you are totally gonna love it ❤️
Ser gott ut. Påminner mig om när Erik Haag med flera åt tacos med en mexikan i ett tv-program. De fattade knappt vad det var för maträtt, haha
Is fredagsmys actually kind of a Swedish tradition or is it your invention? Either way, I love Mexican food, especially tacos: The mix of hot and cold, of spicy and mild, of crunchy and creamy – somehow it’s the perfect meal. Also, since some assembly is necessary, it’s the perfect dinner party food.
Somehow it’s the IKEA of dishes (this one’s for you 😃 )
Underbart gott! 😃
Men det smakade inte alls som vi tänker oss att tacos ska smaka, det blev en helt annan måltid. Skulle vara spännande att testa på flera Mexikanska måltider 😊
Hur vill du äta din taco?
It’s a thing, fredagsmys.
I think it was a commersial a few years back, for a swedish brand that did chips… and they had a song that kind of went something like, at the end of week its finally time to relax, its time for FREDAGSMYS! 😃 😃 😃 Just google it and you’ll see!
I love that, the IKEA of dishes 😊
This is so interesting to me, since we eat tacos – Mexican tacos – often, living so close to the border. (Mexico is a few driving hours away from me). It’s my go-to meal when I don’t know what to make – and we have so many versions of it. .Never thought of making it a festive dinner though. It looks like you did an amazing job with it!
Jag är ganska kräsen och har alltid samma. Mjukt skal, quornfärs, banan, cremefraiche, ost, gurka. Möjligtvis lite sallad och lite tomat, beror på hur nyttig jag vill vara, haha
Ost är viktigast
Men vad gott 😊 Här hemma blir det klassisk tacos ikväll! 😊
I love your food travels & this one looks & sounds delicious! Good on you for also making your own tortillas & nachos. I’m definitely going to steal your carnitas recipe 😉
Looks unbelievable, I’m going to give this one a try this weekend. Always able to get inspiration from your food and travels. Thank you
Annie - Stora Små Äventyr
Wow, det såg riktigt gott ut 😃
Men hur gott är inte detta?
Tacos are one of my top favorite cuisines. I would love to go back to Mexico and get some tacos from there soon.
Åh det är ju också supergott!
Hur ser din favorittaco ut?
Go for it!
Det var supergott!
Hur serverar du tacos?
Mer än gott! 😃
Hur ser din favorittaco ut?