10 Advent questions about traveling – part 2
So okay, it’s time for the second part of our advent travel questions and last time we focused on flights and getting there, so I thought it would be nice to do a follow up with destinations.
1. Where is your favorite spot in the world? Not a city or country, spot.
I do have a favorite spot, or maybe it’s a favorite memory that was made on that exact spot. But anyway, my favorite spot is on top of the Castel Saint Angelo in Rome. We visited for a weekend a few years back and that place just took my breath away. Sitting at the top, overlooking the entire city, sharing a glass of wine with the love of my life.
Yeah, how can that not be a favorite?
2. Okay, let’s do your favorite country and city as well?
I would most definitely say Edinburgh as a favorite city, I fell head over heels in love with that beautiful city with all it’s charm and history the first time I visited. But favorite country is a bit harder… maybe Italy. I have been to several parts of the country and I have loved all of it.
3. If you could move to a city, which one would it be? Permanent?
My spontaneous answer is Scotland of course, but seeing as I have only visited Edinburgh and all my other plans for visiting Scotland constantly seems to be crushed by the universe, it might not be the right choice for me. But if I can only choose one place to live permanently, I would say Scotland.
4. Once you have moved there, what do you do for work?
I would freelance as a photographer, going back to doing model photoshoots and working with some local agencies. And if that would not cover the rent I would not say no to picking up a few shifts at a bar.
5. To what country and city did you travel the first time?
I think I was about five years old when I went on a vacation with the family to Ayia Napa in Cyprus. I barely remember the trip, and the memories I do have – I can’t tell you if they are really my own if it’s memories created from stories I have heard or from images I have seen.
6. What is your favorite season to travel? Pick one favorite trip for each season.
I don’t think I have a favorite season to travel to, but I have to admit that I do love warm weather and the sun, but even though I love the season of summer it’s not necessarily that’s my favorite one to travel within. I love to travel, at any season.
But let’s start with winter, Athens in Greece is a magical place to visit during the colder season. We went there for New years eve 2019/2020 and I absolutely loved the vibe of the city. For spring I would say Madrid, it’s an absolutely stunning city during spring. For summertime I would choose Turkey and just about anywhere in Turkey, I just love all of our summer trips we’ve made there. Fall, yes let’s go with Edinburgh.
But there are a few cities that I have visited during a certain season that I would love to go back during other seasons, to see how the seasons affect the city. Istanbul, Barcelona, Rome…
7. Are there places that you don’t want to visit?
No, not really, at least none that I could think of… Of course, I would not want to go to a warzone, but who would? There are places that I would place lower on my bucketlist, for sure, but that’s just lower on the list – that’s not a no thank you.
8. Where did you have your worst travel experience?
Oh, that’s easy, Halkidiki.
I think I have started to tell you about this trip but I have never really finished it, have I? So, this was a long time ago, I was just turning eighteen that summer, so me and mom decided to spend two weeks in Greece. We booked a trip that was unspecified to keep the cost down, which meant we knew what country and city we were going to but they could place us on either this or that hotel. So they did… the transfer bus stopped in the middle of nowhere, it could not reach our accommodation due to the small and narrow roads, so we had to walk. We were promised a room with a kitchen, and that we kind of got. There was a small kitchen plate on the dresser, that was located at the end of the bed. If you put your bag on the floor, you could not reach the bathroom cuz the room was so small. To take a shower you had sit on the toilet. But that was not the worst part… we had four large cracks in the ceiling, and as we were living next to a large dump, there were all kinds of insects flying in all night long. To get to the beach, we had to walk through the dump, straight through a field and then you ended up in the backyard of one of three available restaurants (ish).
This is a long story, so let me know if you want to hear the rest of it and I’ll write a blog post about it. After burning busses, cockroaches, and toilet malfunctioned, my mother was on sick leave for two weeks after we came back home.
9. And the best?
I don’t know really… there’s been so many good and even great trips that I am having a hard time picking just one favorite. I fell head over heels in love with Edinburgh the first time I visited and even more so the second time – so that’s one favorite. Rome is kind of magical, but then again so is Rhodes with all its history. Budapest is amazing. But I am just naming cities, aren’t I?
Best travel experience… that would be the Beer Spa in Prague!
10. What’s your All-time dream destination?
New Orleans.
I have been dreaming of getting there for the longest time, but the world just keeps putting up roadblocks. I am not giving up though, someday, I will get there!
And just like part 1 ended, I am going to end part 2 with a few nominations of my favorite bloggers that I would love to read their answers to this list. I nominate Fantasydining, Imagine Sunsets, Ingelas Resor and Culinary Travels. But naturally, you are all invited to do the list, and if you do – give me a shoutout, I would love to read your answers.

Roligt att läsa
Castel Saint Angelo tyckte jag såg så fint ut från andra sidan floden. Men tänkte inte på att man kunde ta sig in och ta ett glas vin. Att se Rom från ovan, oslagbart vackert.
Marias Memoarer
Rolig adventslista! 😊
Underbara bilder och platser kram
Elsker det 👏👏
Fin blogg
tack Julia, vad trevligt att du har hittat hit 😊
Gör du denna listan också? 😃
Tack Diana ❤️Om du också gör listan så hojta till, jag vill gärna läsa dina svar också 😊
Tackar tackar, kul att du uppskattar den 😊
Ja vi såg Rom ifrån ovan uppe i kupolen i Peterskyrkan, vilket också var magiskt, men att få ta ett glas vin och lite oliver samtidigt uppe i Saint Angelo slår allt 😊
Åh vad jag längtar tillbaka till Italien!
Ser fram emot att få läsa dina svar 😊
Min absoluta favorit, jag blev helt tagen av Edinburgh första gången vi var där. Kändes lite som att komma hem 😊 Så om du inte har varit där, så kan jag varmt rekommendera det!
I really loved reading this. It’s always so nice to get a closer look at the person behind the blog. It makes things feel more personal.
I loved getting to more about you like this! I’d love to live in Scotland, too. I’ve been to several places there, and I can say you’re right on target.
Thanks Brianne, glad you like it 😊
I would love to read your answers to the questions!
Ashley T
This was so amazing to read! Thanks for sharing and being so open and honest.
Thanks Colleen ❤️
When we are both living the dream in Edinburgh, lets meet up for coffee! 😃
Awh Ashley, you’re the best! You are always so supprtive and superfriendly – thanks girl! ❤️
Great answers! I have to agree on Edinburgh – it’s SUCH a beautiful city! 😊
It sure is! And I kind of figured you would agree with me 😃
Matt Taylor
So an awesome list of questions and answers. You have been to so many places! That is so awesome. New Orleans, eh? That is so cool that is your dream destination. I think it would be fun to go there some day too. Tahiti, Bora Bora, or New Zealand Lord of the Rings Tour might be my dream vacations.
Edinburgh is a fab city and we have been so many times. We can’t wait to go back once the covid situation has settled down x
Dominique Walton Brooks
It’s always fun to read about travel experiences! That worst trip sounds incredibly awful! I might not have survived!
This was a great answer and question post! I would love to live in Scotland as well! Or maybe Norway!
Ntensibe Edgar
1. The beach.
2. Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam.
3. Finland. Not sure where exactly.
4. Virtual Assistance.
5. Kenya, Nairobi.
6. Summer.
7. Oh no. There isn’t.
8. None really. I have such luck with me, on the travel.
9. My third time travelling to Dar-es-Salaam.
10. Western Uganda.
Linda (LD Holland)
So interesting to read this and learn more about you. I always hate when I am asked for my favourite spot we have visited. There are just so many great ones we look back on. Although we are currently leaning towards Portugal as a place to live if we left Canada. We have had a few travel experiences we would not want to repeat but most have not turned us off the destination. Just taught us some lessons for future travel. I hope you get to New Orleans one day. Plan for Mardi Gras but make sure you stay extra time as there is so much to see and do.
Thanks Matt!
Yeah, NOLA has been a big dream of mine, can’t wait to go 😃
You and me both Mel ❤️
Oh norway Kileen, how come? 😊
Tell me about Tanzania? 😊
Thanks for your kind words Linda! ❤️
Oh and when it comes to NOLA I am planning at least a week in the city, maybe even more… but I am thinking of skipping Mardi Gras and staying over the summer instead 😊
emman damian
I would like to move to Scotland too. Seems like a fun place to live! I love their traditions too!
Interesting, this helps to get to know you a bit better. Howsoever, my answers would be so different from yours. Since I’m living in Northern Germany, I wouls always pick places in the South – and since you are so much farther up north, I would have guessed the same – also by judging from your summery dresses on the main pic 😉
haha 😃 I do love the warmth Renata, but Scotland kind of came between me and the sun, if that makes any sense. I love a good lay-in -sun kind of place, but Scotland has some great beaches too 😃
You and me both Emman 😊
I can’t wait to travel again so that I can explore some more. Whats you’re favorite place in Scotland?
I love this list of questions & answers. Especially the one about the seasons is interesting to consider. And Scotland stole my heart too in the summer…can’t wait to go back!
I want to get to New Orleans too. It looks like there is special vibe)) Wondering when travelling be allowed worldwide.