Relaxing by the pool
Yeah, so this picture was last years relaxing by the pool, in Nessebar Bulgaria, it all seems kind of amazing doesn’t it? What I would not do to be right there, right now. But that’s not happening…
We have just canceled our last booked trip abroad for this summer. We had plans to visit Cyprus for a week and just have that relaxing trip, you know, All-inclusive by the pool where you just let the stress fade into vacation vibes. That was our plan for our first week of the summer vacation, so now what?
It takes a while, just to let it soak in that we’re not going abroad this summer. I don’t think I have come to terms with it quite yet, but I am getting there. We’re just gonna have to put our heads together and figure out a new plan to get that vacation mode going instantly. You get the picture right? It’s like it always takes me a week to get into the mode, so the first week is kind of devoted to that, but if you travel abroad that same first week, you’re kind of forced into vacation mode. Do you know what I mean?
So how do you get into that feeling instantly?
My initial thought was to make an All-Inclusive at home, but to be honest, who wants to have an all you can eat buffet in the fridge and eat the same food for four days… I could totally go for the open bar though.
Jokes aside, I don’t think its a bad idea to try and replicate the feeling of an All-Inclusive of maybe more correctly an apartment by the beach. Make a grand breakfast every day, as you would abroad. After breakfast, pack your bag, and hit the beach. Bring snacks, maybe even lunch, and just force yourself to relax and get into the feeling that it’s okay to do absolutely nothing at all. Does that make any sense at all?
How do you start your first days of vacation?

Min semester blir massa mysiga små staycations och en tur till västkusten får spara resorna till senare kram Diana
Vad tråkigt att resan blev inställd, en all-inclusive är ju inte tokigt men man får kanske tänka att resan blir bättre om man tar den längre fram! Att ha den lyxen hemma för sig själv istället kanske inte är så tokigt faktiskt, det är ju att pyssla om sig och göra vardagslyx 😃🙏🏻
Jessica Collazo
I need that floppy hat in my life just to lay by the pool like you did this is just amazing
I miss relaxing by the pool and these drinks look yummy.
Nicole Anderson
I can totally relate to your feelings here. In my case we were due to be married and head off on a 7 week holiday – all of which had to be cancelled. While we are not happy at having to reschedule everything when we can all travel again, I still recognize that there are many more people far worse off from COVID 19 than us. Replicating a home trip to the beach sounds like a good idea in the meanwhile. It still gets you in a relaxed mood as you plan for a future trip.
We had so many plans for this Summer but we’ve decided to cancel them all. We are sad, but we know there will always be next year.
Shannon Gurnee
That definitely would have been a hard thing for us to cancel a trip if we had one planned. I know I wanted to be at the pool when I saw your pictures. Makes me remember our good times traveling to Cancun.
Oh my! The things I would do to be sitting by the pool right now!
Haha thanks Jessica 😃
Nä man är så himla dålig på att ta hand om sig själv, mer sånt!
Staycations låter inte fel 😊
Oh I miss that feeling …
I am so sorry for you!
I do hope that you get that dream wedding some day 😃
So that Heather, looking forward to 2021 😊
Cancun sounds like a place I have to look into some more 😊
Piper Mortez
That looks fantastic. It would be so great to sit by the pool and sip cocktails. Unfortunately, I’ve had to cancel our beach trip but looking forward to going at the end of the year.
Tråkigt med inställd resa. Men Cypern finns kvar och sommaren är här. Jag är övertygad om att ni får en bra semester
khoingn | The Broad Life
Seemed like you had a great time spent at the pool. Very enjoyable and relaxing!
Ja jag hoppas att vi kan åka dit nästa år istället, men vi har så många resmål man ska hinna med “nästa år istället” så vi skulle behöva ha dubbel semestertid nästa år 😃
Oh yes Hayley, I am right there with you 😃
I really hopy you’ll get to go at the end of the year Piper 😊
We sure did, thank you!
pati robins
Now i could so relax by the pool myself , the wether in uk is dreadful atm
Jay Artale
Nothing can come even close to a full on trip to a different destination, but if that isn’t an option, then any change of scenery or landscape is better than being stuck in the house looking at the same 4 walls, or being confined to the Garden. I’m going to do a little bit of exploring locally … we’re near the coast, but it’s the north sea, with is more of a blacky brown colour that turqoise blue!
Ntensibe Edgar
Well, with me it’s all about taking a walk around the place….familiarising my eyes and then, map out a route I will take.
I know tht feeling, its pouring down here in sweden today as well… 😟
Yeah, tell me about it!
The waters in my area are more blackish green and beautifly blue…
That sounds like a good plan 😊
This is definitely a hard time! I can’t even imagine when we are going on vacation next!!
I have cancelled 4 holidays up to now with a 5th one looming in October that I am not that keen on doing. Still very anxious about the thought of getting on a plane!
We are also in that processs too of having to cancel holidays…it is super sad and yes I miss the water too x
Marie Phillips
It’s still a bit too cold here for the pool, but I can’t wait!
the joyous living
i cannot wait until i can geo to the pool again. miss it for sure. hopefully my doctor will give go ahead soon.
Trot.World (Harshi & Aman)
Really missing being by the beach or lounging around in the pool all day amidst this pandemic. Hopefully we will all get to travel soon but in the meanwhile bringing travel experiences home to cope up with those travel blues.
Trot.World (Harshi & Aman)
Really missing being by the beach or lounging around in the pool all day amidst this pandemic. Hopefully we will all get to travel soon but in the meanwhile bringing travel experiences home to cope up with those travel blues.
emman damian
I love relacxing by the pool and also do some reflections. It’s fun to rest and enjoy the moment in the pool.
That hat is amazing. It’s so big it covers most of you. Perfect for sun!
that sucks you had to cancel your plans to Cyprus. We canceled our trip to South America too. I am in spit to plan an awesome pool day now! Great post!
Hopefully soon Jessie 😊
So sorry for you Angelica 😊
It sure is sad, we’ll just have to find other ways that makes us happy!
I would go for a cold pool, as long as there’s sun 😃
Stay Safe!
So do I, I really miss the beach 😊
It sure is, I cant wait to have that kind of moment again, hopefully really REALLY soon 😃
Haha thanks Rosey! 😃
Hopefully you’ll getto re-book your trip soon!
I cant wait to get back to traveling the world 😊
This is a difficult time for everyone. We cancelled our trip to UK in April and cannot plan any more this year. It doesn’t feel safe to fly even with all those headgear and masks! Pool days with some cold drinks sound great! 😊
Sarah Wilson
We have had four trips cancelled so far this year. Fingers crossed for Norway in August!
Subhashish Roy
That’s chilling out really and is just the way. With summer setting in, the pool, a drink or two and peace. What more is required.
Oh how I miss being able to travel this year. We didn’t have any specific plans yet when everything started to close around the world, but we haven’t booked anything yet. Even now we’re debating about doing a road trip where we stay in an AirBnB, buy take-out and cook at home foods and just spend a bunch of time outdoors. I’m more for a mountain stream than a beach girl, but the idea of relaxing with no specific plans sounds so nice.
We are also coming to terms with having all of our trips canceled this year. I would love to relax by the pool and just have a little mental escape for a bit. But, I’m not sure if that is even going to happen this summer.
We are just doing a few short road trips this summer and a weekend at the beach. It’s tough with all the uncertainty. Luckily I live in a destination region so within 1-3 hours I can travel to some amazing places. Looking forward to exploring this summer.
Nöjer mig denna sommar med att utforska stränderna i sverige, har redan börjat kram
Ville bara kika in och önska en fin midsommar! 🥰
Never had the idea to visit Bulgaria but now I do…once we get past this COVID19 disaster. Thanks for the enlightment.
Cheers Jan 😊
I am so sorry for you!
Nothing more! 😃
I miss it to Nancy!
hopefully we can get back to it soon, safely 😊
Me neither Jenn, we dont have any plans at all for now…
I am beginning to see that we have some cool local places as well 😃
Det låetr inte heller helt fel vännen 😃
Åh tack detsamma Emma, hoppas att du hade det superbra 😃
Oh Bulgaria is amazing, I was totally blown away. I could totally go back and explore some more, the countryside is said to be superbeautiful 😊
Really sorry you had to cancel your final trip. It sucks! I’m about to do the same. I was off for a week in Spain with my ‘old’ schoolfriends to celebrate our joint 50th birthdays. Although it could still go ahead, social distancing & quarantine & 1 of the group not being allowed out of Australia make it a much less attractive prospect! Like your ideas for recreating the magic at home though….;)
This looks amazing… summer at the pool, lounging, sipping on adult beverages, the perfect summer day.
Your chillaxing by the pool during last years trip to Nessebar in Bulgaria makes me tempt to book holidays now. What a cool way to have relaxation like this during summer.