I had a dream…
… of Italy, and more specifically Rome. I am really happy that I have these images, cuz this was the place I was dreaming about, so I am happy to be able to share this with you.
We found this place whilst just walking around in the city, as we aimlessly did for hours. Turn here, stop there, take a left, pause, go right… you know the drill. You keep walking until you find yourself totally lost in the beauty of the city, stopping only when you find that great spot that gives you exactly what you want. This was this kind of place for us, we took a turn, ended up in an alley covered with greens. And hey, there was a restaurant.
But the place was not really open, it was about to close for a few hours between lunch and dinnertime. But without hesitation, they offered us to sit down, have a glass and stay for as long as we wanted. So they closed down and left us in this beautiful outdoor area, that we had just for ourselves, and I remember thinking that this was just magical.
I wish I could tell you the name of the restaurant, or even the path to walk to find the place, but I can’t… so if anyone of you recognizes the place, please let me know, I would love to go back there someday not just visit in a dream.
Maybe its the current state of the world, that we are not able to travel right now that sends me into dream like this. But yes, I would love to go back to Rome, its that kind of city that you are not done with. We only stayed in the city for a long weekend, and that’s simply not enough time to see the entire city, it has so much more to offer. I am betting that there are plenty more back alleys to get lost in…
So tell me, have you been to Rome?

I visited Rome many years ago and loved it. Vino and pizza in a small trattoria is a fabulous thing to do
Så vacker stad
Jay Artale
Don’t you just love it when you have one of those spontaneous travel moments. When you get the opportunity to just sit, relax and take in the surroundings and experience the now.
I think Rome is definitely a city worth getting lost in! I love finding little hidden gems like this. Such a fun moment!
I know right, I just love it! Cant wait until its safe to travel again, I have just missed Italy to much 😊
Ja verkligen 😊
Har du rest mycket i italien?
I know, its the best 😊
Have you traveled a lot in Italy?
Oh yes, its a city thats well worth spending a few extra vacation days for just the purpose of getting lost 😃 Have you ever been to Rome?
Yes, I have been to Rome many years ago. I like that spontaneity you are talking about roaming around the streets, enjoying every minute and every view and finding a place to just sit down and have a glass of wine!:-)
Nej, jag har vart i Rom och i Bergamo
Emma Engström
Fina Italien <3 Vad snällt att ni fick komma och sätta er trots situatonen just där och då! 😃 <3
I know right, kind of the perfect way to spend the day? 😊
Ja verkligen, dom var supertrevliga! Jag önskar verkligen att jag kunde komma ihåg hur vi gick för att ta oss dit men nä… Har du varit i Rom?
Åh jag åkte till Rom för två år sedan och skönheten där går inte ens att beskriva!
Emily Zielinski
I love Rome, have been there many times. Its one of my favourite cities and used to be so cheap to visit from the UK. Nothing beats their amazing food and wine.
Jessica Collazo
I love when restaurants are willing to help us build memories
I’ve been Rome-adjacent. LOL. We almost got there on a trip to Europe, but we had travel issues and missed our window. =(
the joyous living
i was in rome in 2005 when i was doing a study aborad in europe. sadly i spent 2 of my 3 days sick with food poisoning in a hostel. i didn’t particularly like it because i thought it was over touristy.
daniel sierra
I have never been to Rome but I hope I will some day. right now I am just praying or Italy. So when they recover I hope to be able to visit and enjoy everything they have to offer.
Emma Engström
Kikar in och hoppas det varit en jättebra start på veckan! <3
Myrah Duque
Italy is a fascinating destination! You find the coziest restaurants all over. I cannpt wait to return when all this is over. For now, I pray.
Was talking to my friend yesterday about where we want to go when this is all over and Rome was top of that list, though I would like to get out and visit other parts of Italy too and really soak in the flavour (and wine)
blair villanueva
Maybe your subconciousness is telling you that soon you will be in Rome, right there in a familiar restaurant and enjoying what exactly you had in your dream. It will be deja vu, but its a good thing!
Dreams Abroad
The photo with the drinks is making me thirsty! I am happy that you enjoyed this restaurant. The world has been on my mind and I hope all of these small businesses can come back.
katrina kroeplin
i haven’t been to rome but man i really want to. maybe one day i will get there. i love trying new food wherever i go.
You always have wonderful editiorals. After this travel ban I would love to visit these places.
Nä eller hur!
Jag skulle inte ha något emot att se Rom igen 😊 Eller ja, jag skulle inte ha något emot att se mer av hela Italien 😋
I totally agree with you on the Italian foods 😊
I know, right? 😊
Haha 😃
Hope you get to visit some day 😊
Oh yes, we are all praying for the world to heal…
Åh Emma 😊 tack detsamma!
I know right? I just love the italian foods, its amazing!
Haha oh yes, dont forget the wine… 😋
I think you might be right… so as soon as its okay to travel again, I think I might revisit Italy 😊
haha cheers! 😃
So do I Katrina, food is one of the best things about traveling. Just trying out local things, I love that! 😊
Oh thank you Lily! 😃
Lyanna Soria
Never been to Rome before but I’d love to go there someday with the family.
Taylor oldman
I was in Rome for 2 days. Not enough. Need to go back and savor the place
Rome is one of my dream destinations. I love to see it before my very eyes one day. I am just saddened of the news about Italy nowadays. Hope things get better soon.
Billy Sandoval
Sounds like a great place to visit while in Rome. The images are really inviting.
Elicit Folio
Love your travel blog! We too wandered aimlessly in Italy, especially Rome. Lovely photos and stories! Please keep posting more articles!
I absolutely LOVE Rome – it is one of my favourite cities in the world. I definitely plan to take a trip there again once this is all over.
Ashlee | ashleemoyo.com
Så fine bilder, kjempe flott blogg 😊 Vi har aldri vært i Roma, eller i Italia. Ha en fin dag 😊
Love this! I love to walk aimlessly and only want to return when it is late. Italy is a place where I felt safe walking even late at night. Rome and many other cities are on my list for this year. Let’s see how things turn out.
Yes, Rome is a beautiful city full of historical sites to visit. It has a character and even though it is crowded, visitors still love its spirit! 😊
Elizabeth O
Rome is definitely on my bucket lists. I love visiting their historical and mosaic architectures. It is really an eye sight and inviting.
Ntensibe Edgar
Ah no, I haven’t been to Rome before. I would love to, though.