Plaka Stairs

Besides the big buildings and tourist attractions in Athens, Plaka stairs were one of the things I had my eyes set on seeing during our visit to the capital of Greece. I just had an idea of a really friendly vibe, where people were sitting around and drinking wine, eating some snacks and smoking way too many cigarettes.
I do admit though that in my head, as I was planning to sit on the Plaka stairs, I was imagining more sunshine and for certain more people. But we were there before lunch on the day after the new year’s celebrations, so there was no crowd at all. But no sun either, unfortunately.
There are all types of places to be seated, just you take your pick. You can sit straight on the stairs on a small cushion having only a small stool as a table. Cute and cozy right?
If you want some more comfort there are regular tables as well, you just take a seat where ever you want and the menu will be brought to you with a smile.
So was it all that I thought it would be?
Well, if you add some sun to go with that jug of sangria, it would have been rated higher but I can’t really blame the poor restaurant owner for that, can I? I mean, he did bring us some appetizers with fish and eggs.
I can only imagine how nice and cozy Plaka stairs must be during the summer, I would most likely spend several hours there if I could. And seeing as its a place that really attracts tourists, it was very affordable. We did not pay any over-priced even though its a place that could easily cost you quite much.
So yes, it was all that it’s cracked up to be. If you ever visit Athens in Greece, I recommend that you have some wine at Plaka stairs.

Så fint och rustik
Så fint
Ja verkligen, det var supermysigt! Hade älskat att besöka Plaka stairs på sommaren 😊
Oh ja 😃
After your description and experience, I think I would vist Plaka Stairs in mild winter or early spring to avoid the crowds.
What an adorable idea and FUN for photos!
Jag kan tänka mig
It’s a great experieince – with lots of sunshine 😊
Emma Engström
Men gud vad mysigt det lät! 😃 <3
‘Plaka Stairs’ looks like a great place to hang out with a glass of sangria or wine if you have good company and a bit of sunshine!
Oh wow! It’s so pretty in that area. I think it’s really cool that everything is out on the stairs like that.
This is absolutely going on my bucket list. I love the whole vibe of that place.
I wish I was able to travel right now. I would love to go to Athens. It’s beautiful!
Plaka Stairs is going to be on our bucket list to travel to. Looking forward to more of your Greece adventures.
Oh you might be right Georgina, just dont pick midwinter as we did. We did not have that sunny greece feeling when we visited Athens 😋
Thank you Andi!
We had a great time Marilyn, hope you will get to enjoy Athens as well 😊
Asså åh ja… jag längtar så tills vi kan resa igen. SItta i solen och bara njuta… åh 😃
Vart drömmer du om att åka?
Oh it sure was Jan, it sure was 😊
Have you ever been to Athens?
Yeah, I really enjoyed the idea of having people sit in the stairs and beeing served. I mean, people always sitt in stairs anyways, right? 😋
I really hope you get to visit AThens, its a beautiful city 😊
Me too Hether, me too… I am longing for the days when I am carring around a suitcase, and whining about it 😃
There are some more of what we did in Athens if you check the bar on the left, and some other desitinations in Greece as well. Enjoy the read 😊
Plaka stairs look really quaint. Your photos as usual bring out the essence of the places you visit. This is beautiful
looks like it was amazing time. well I cannot stop to say that I love travelling and hope that Greece will be next in my list!
Sarah M
Athens is in my future travelling list. I love the place and its ambience.
Myrah Duque
I’ve visited Plaka twice and love that place. So much culture, music and great food. Looking forward to perhaps return.
Det verkar så himla mysigt. Jag vill verkligen till Aten
I had never heard of the Plaka Stairs in Athens, but I would totally love to drink wine there! What a charming place.
That seating is the coolest thing I have seen in awhile. It’s a very nice vibe.
What a lovely hidden gem, it looks like you’re having such a nice time
Jay Artale
That’s a great place to sit and people watch. I think I could quite happily pull up a cushion and settle there for the day. And order a few little snacks to keep me rooted to the spot. I’m sure in the summer it gets too hot to be able to linger there for too long.
Knycx Joyrneying
Thanks for sharing and introduction. It’s looks like a lovely place and I think it’s great sit outdorr on a sunny day and have a good time with my friends. – Knycx Journeying
Aditi Sharma
I knew that Plaka stairs are a sight to see but never realized that they are an experience in themselves. Sitting on those cozy chairs and cushions and dining while soaking in the atmospheric charm sounds perfect!
Oh Thank you Sinjana 😊
I hope you will get to enjoy Greece soon, its an amazing country 😊
Have you ever been there before?
It sure is beautiful 😊
So do I Myrah, I would love to visit Athens again. A weekend is not nearly enough to cover the city 😊
Som jag sagt tidigare, jag tror att du hade älskat Aten! Det är verkligen en underbar stad 😃
Just nu hade jag kunna tänka mig att resa var som helst – bara jag får resa 😋
You would love it Wendy!
Yeah it does, doesnt it? 😃
I sure was Stephen 😊
Have you ever been to Greece?
You and me both Jay 😊
I would think that april/may would be perfect to experience the city, just before the season starts, so that you get a tad bit more sun 😊 Have you ever been to Greece?
Thank you for stopping by 😊
Glad you enjoy our little blog!
Oh Aditi, you would love Plaka stairs, its amazing! 😊
Have you ever visited Greece?
jag med. Tre inställda resor, så himla deppigt. Vet knappt vad jag ska skriva om längre
Haha nä jag vet… jag försöker gräva bland gamla bilder och damma av alla minnen för att hitta saker att skriva om 😋
Ja det får väl bli så. Jag har färdiga blogginlägg om en resa i januari och en i mars. Halvägs med inlägg från usa. Men nu ville jag ju egentligen skriva om skidresor och island… men bara att vänta på att allt ska bli “som vanligt” igen
Ntensibe Edgar Michael
Ooohhhh….how sweet of you to recommend! The place looks really nice and the concept of comfort here is broadened enough. I love this.
Lyanna Soria
Never been to this place before but that sounds like a great place to chill with friends. Will definitely visit Plaka someday and it looks amazing too..
Lovely set up. Plaka is definitely worth a visit
Sage Scott
Although I was lucky enough to spend a week in Athens several years ago, I didn’t know about the Plaka Stairs. Gorgeous! Greece is such a gorgeous country. And the food…oh, my!!!
Nu avbokades även en resa i höst. Så deppigt
men åh… varför avbokades den så tidigt?
So did I 😊
I am sure you will love it! 😊
Have you ever been to Athens?
It sure is Sharon, it sure is 😊
I know right?!
The greek food is one of my absolut favorites, I just love it! The salads, Kleftiko, Sovlaki and tsatziki… mmh! Oh so good 😃 Whats your favorit?
Vet inte. Ryanair verkar ha ställt in allt till Kroatien
What a great idea for outdoor seating! Make use of what you have 😊 I’ve never been to Greece but always wanted to go. Thanks for sharing this cute place!
Danielle Rice
The atmosphere is everything for me! I would love to visit!
Jennifer Mostert
I was lucky enough to be there in the summer and spent a lovely retsina soaked afternoon watching the passing parade – ah memories.
Oh, you’re right. It looks like a lovely spot to relax and enjoy a bite to eat.
I visited Plaka a couple of years ago but didn’t know about Plaka stairs. Looks like a really cool place to enjoy a glass of Sangria. Glad you enjoyed it, despite the lack of sun!