Tattoos and tequila
We did not tell you about the time that we got tattooed in Madrid, did we? We had talked about getting a tattoo together before, but when we were in Madrid, Spain, we finally got to it. So it was not a spur of the moment desition per say, but it was kind of a split second desition that night. It was like should we do it? Really? okay, lets!
To be honest, none of our tattoos turned out that great… Angelicas is the worst, the tattoo had lost most of its color and looks like a spotted military plane. Lee, Angelica’s fiance, his plane is crooked but it has most of its color. Jacob, Ann’s husband’s tattoo is a bit spotted as well. Maybe it’s not such a good idea just to walk into a tattoo parlor without doing your research beforehand, but we all thought that this was a pretty simple tattoo to make, so what could possibly go wrong. Jacob did a google review of the tattoo parlor and was given the option to go back and re-do the tattoo, but since its a bit of a drive to get there from Sweden to Spain, that’s not really an option… so if you are getting a tattoo whilst visiting Madrid, don’t choose Montera Tattoos, there are plenty of other options. Our tattoos looked good at first, but after a while, they started losing color. And it was not like it was one of their artists that were bad, we used two of them and that kind of says it all, don’t you think?
We don’t usually write bad reviews but having a tattoo is making a life long commitment, so its kind of a big deal. For some it may even be the only time in your life that you get a tattoo, so you don’t want anything to go wrong. It’s not like having a bad meal at a restaurant. There are no do-overs.
So we paid 70 euro per person for the tattoos, so they should be okay, would you not say?
This was our first but everyone knows, as soon as you start getting inked, there’s no stopping it. It fills your head with new ideas, on what to do next. And for us, it’s in what city do we get tattoos next. Ann’s husband did one in Athens as well, do you want to see it? I am guessing our next one will be in Paris… or maybe even in Edinburgh.
So let me ask you this, how many of you have done tattoos abroad? Including the once you did as your younger self whilst traveling. When, where and what please?
//A & A

Eva på rucksack
Gillat tatueringarna! Men så trist att det var en dålig tatuerare! 😟 Jag har inga tatueringar alls, är så ombytlig att jag nog inte skulle kunna hitta något motiv som håller längre än en månad…
Jeg har faktisk 4/5 små tatoveringer, hvoraf 1 er et fly som symbolisere at rejse samtidig med der står “breathe” – og så har jeg en guldsmed på min ankel, der blev lavet på Rhodos (i en tattooshop lige ved siden af en bar, ups…). Derudover jeg har mit stjernetegn på mit håndled, og en streg-søskendetatovering.
Er ked af at høre jeres dårlige oplevelse. Man skal virkelig vælge med omhu – og jeg skal aldrig have lavet tatovering sådan et sted som Rhodos igen. Min farve er nemlig også gået af den på anklen.
Jeg tror faktisk snart jeg vil have en lille streg-tatovering med en palme og en eller flere bølger, måske en sol. “when you start getting inked, there’s no stopping” er sååå rigtigt!!
Det värsta var att det inte var en dålig tatuerare, utan två olika som gjorde våra tatueringar… 😟
Men åh, du får ju ta och göra ett inlägg med dina tatueringar som du gjort, så att vi får se! 😃
Tattoos and tequila is a brave combination lol. I do love your choice of tattoo though, very cute 😊
Åhh så fint ju!! Är så sugen på en liten vid revbenet, men osäker just vad! Vill vara stensäker på det jag vill ha innan jag gör en liksom <3
Jessica Collazo
That’s a awesome combination and a great time.
This sounds like an interesting way to spend some time together. I like your matching tattoos.
the joyous living
bummer. sorry to hear your tattoos didn’t turn out well. i appreciate negative feedback reviews though. so thank you for posting and i hope the next tattoo you get is spot on.
Terri Steffes
I have a small tattoo but it needs refreshed. I was in Madrid, I wish I would have thought to do it there.
Haha I know right? 😃
Glöm inte att läsa reviews på tattueraren 😋
It sure was!
Its just a shame that they turned out not so great…
Thank you!
Just make sure to read up on the reviews before you do a tattoo…
wow thats a brave combo Tattoo and Tequila. Well I have not done a Tattoo not much inclined to it though I appreciate Tattoos. But I had Tequila for sure 😊
wow. it’s great. i love to bring my bestfriend here and together, we will have this combo tattoo and tequilla. sounds fun! <3
Ntensibe Edgar
Hhhhmmm…I haven’t done a tattoo yet but I would love to. I got some great ideas now of how I want they to be.
Subhashish Roy
When you have spent a handsome amount you definitely deserved good quality. Probably highlights the importance of reviews for any service in today’s world.
If you ever decide to get one, pick another place than Montera tattoos!
Dont go to this place, pick anotherone that will treat you better!
What ideas for a tattoo do you have? 😊
It sure does… we should have done better research.
You are correct – for seventy euros, I would expect a tattoo – the kind that stays on and don’t fade.
I have a tattoo that I regret – I wish I had done something cool ike a plane! I am so sorry that yours diud not turn out the way you wantted but maybe someone can improve on it, make it part of a bigger design? I like it though!
That’s a brave move given it’s a permanent reminder. Not a big Tequila fan, however if I had to choice between a tattoo (in a foreign country) and Tequila. I go with Tequila 😊
You are quite brave to do that tattoo. But it’s a bummer that it did not turn out perfect! Doesn’t look too bad either. I would love to dig into that Tequila in Madrid!:-)
I know right!
Oh yes, you are right, we could do something bigger over it. I am still waiting on the tattoo parlor to see if they will give us the money back…
We should have stuck with the tequila too 😃
Oh thats just the picture from right after it was made… you should see them now… 😟
Jay Artale
You’d think that if you chose a simple design they couldn’t possibly mess it up, but looks like they did. Oh well.. let’s hope they keep fading!!
Aditi Sharma
I have been wanting to get a tattoo during my travels, quite specifically the Sak Yant whenever we travel to Thailand. Sorry to hear that the tattoo didn’t turn out quite like what you’d hoped for but I’m sure you could get some some design added around it to make it less obvious.
Lets just hope so…
Make sure you do your reseach before you do your tattoo, okay?
I havent got any tattoos, I am scared I would regret it but if I ever did it would be a butterfly.