Scott Monument

This is a hard one to miss when you visit Edinburgh, it in the middle of the city. Clear visibility from wherever you go. I think I have hundreds of images of this building, from all different angles. But let me tell you this, this is one beautiful monument and I completely understand the location of it but its not really photogenic. I have been there early morning, late night, in the middle of the day, with and without the sun. Nope, my friends, the monument is not really that photogenic. It’s hard to get a good picture of it, and I know it, I have been trying my best.
If you are interested in seeing the monument up close and personal, its located in Princess Street garden, near Edinburgh Waverly Railway station. You can’t miss it, it’s just above 60 meters tall.
You can enter the Scott monument if you want to climb the tower. It’s divided into four levels with a total of 287 steps. It’s a spiral staircase that gets narrower the higher you climb and the stairs can feel a bit unsteady at times, but it’s perfectly safe. And the view from the top is nothing short of amazing, so its well worth the climb.
The price to enter is about 10 euros.
The monument is named after the author Sir Walter Scott. Doesn’t ring a bell? He was a novelist, playwriter, historian and poet. Still no? Okay, if I say Lady of the Lake and Ivanhoe, then you know who he is right?
The foundation was laid back in 1840, on the 15th of august, which is both mine and Angelica’s birthday. Kind of a fun none-fact to story right? Anyways, it was not completed until 1844 but it was not inaugurated until 1846. Also on the 15th of august.
Så fint. Vill verkligen dit nån gång
Jag är helt övertygad om att du skulle älska Edinburgh 😊
Så fint, dit vill jag kram
It is a beautiful structure, but does it need some clean-up or restoration on the outside? Seems like the black streaks could be removed somehow – or are they permanent? Thanks for sharing about it.
Åh det vore verkligen en upplevelse att åka dit!! SÅ kul <3
Åh jeg vil så gerne dertil!! 🤞🏻🍀
I am definitely climbing to the top when I get to Edinburgh!
Åh men Diana, Edinburgh är lite av ett måste 😃
Hi Nancy,
back in the days I know there was a problem with soot and smoke but I know they got that cleared up. It could be remains that keep the buildings covered with black residue and stain. To be honest, I am not sure, this is just me guessing. But its a good question, that I will make sure to look into 😊
Thank you!
Du hade älskat Edinburgh Emma, det är helt klart min favoritstad i Europa! 😃
Boka resan! 😃
Carrie Ann | Should Be Cruising
I’m going to have to climb this monument the next time I’m in Edinburgh. I like your pics of the details and the archways, but I see what you mean about it not being photogenic. It’s like trying to take a picture of someone you love but they’re scowling!
Lisa Dorenfest
Had to do a double take as at first glance, the pictures do not betray a 287 step ascent. I am up for the challenge given the promise of a great view from the top. And you don’t give your images enough credit. The first is my favorite.
Jay Artale
It’s so disappointing when you see a great monument and you just can’t get a good angle to take a photo and do the building justice. We had this scenario in Seville last year, the cathedral was impressive, but no matter where I took a photo from it just didn’t look that impressive.
Such a beautiful building. Climbing the old spiral staircases up the towers are more work than one might realize!
Åh, Skottland… älskar! <3
I have been to this place in Edinburgh and it is a photographer’s delight! Climbing those 287 steps is definitely a challenge. Pictures of this place come out beautiful when the sun is not strong perhaps towards evening. Your first picture looks stunning! 😊
Haha agreed 😃
Thank you Lisa 😊
I know right?
I had this kind of trubble with the monument in Prague as well, but then again they are quite similar 😊
It sure is beautiful 😊
Jag också, jag vill se mer av Skottland 😃
I had quite the hassel taking a picture that I wa pleased with, and that did not happend anywhere else in Edinburgh 😊
Oh you climbed so much with many efforts and then also this place can’t be photographed well. Sometimes I have seen some places are very famous but we cannot take good photos of them. It is good you have alerted us, so that when we visit Edinburgh we will keep this in mind.
Incredible photos as usual, Ann! I had never heard about Scott’s monument, I’m adding it to my Scogland bucket list 😊
Gonna have to climb the 287 steps when I am next in Edinburgh, perhapa not for the pictures but for the experience.
Hope you get to visit Edinburgh 😊
Ah thank you 😊
I think you should Georgina, I am sure you would enjoy it 😊
This monument caught my attention when I was researching what to do in 1 day in Edinburgh. I must say you have managed to take some pretty cool shots. But I will save the 10 euros by not entering the monument as I can see this from outside.