Walk with me – Athens Greece

Yeah, this walk with me has become a thing, but I just love showing you some images of how the streets that we walked through and buildings that we passed by looked. Maybe it will inspire you to talk a walk, anywhere in the world, trying to find that little piece of hidden magic.
The variety of colours on the buildings but yet in a certain combination, the different set of stones on the streets, the old buildings with the street art and the greenery. Do you see there are actual lemons on that tree? They grew everywhere in the city, both lemons, and oranges. And flowers of course. It’s amazing to see so much greenery growing in January, we all loved just strolling down the narrow streets.
Everywhere you turned you could see tables and chairs in front of a small tavern, you could hear the live music playing from the bistro down the alley and smell the fresh baked goods. It sure is a beautiful city in more than one ways, it has the history, the fashion, the ancient architecture, the modern touch, the culture, the well taken care of street cats, and maybe the best part – the food. The amazing greek food. How much more could you ask of a city?
I can tell you this much, I would not mind going back again. Athens is a huge city, so much bigger than I thought at first. There is so much more to see and experience and a weekend are simply not enough to see the entire city, we have only just begun to explore a small part of it.
How about you, have you ever been to Athens in Greece? What did you enjoy the most? Or is the magical city still on your bucketlist?
Så himla fint
Det var verkligen helt magiskt att ta en promenad där 😊
Alla museum och historiska sevärdheter älskade jag såklart men Aten är ju så mycket mer än så. Oslagbart att strosa runt på gatorna och bara insupa atmosfären, och sen stanna till på en restaurang för att äta god mat och titta på folk.
I’d love to visit Greece, I still haven’t been and yes it’s high on my list. I love how you describe the streets, very often people concentrate on the ‘big hitters’ the ‘must-sees’. But I love to explore a city and hopefully discover a little of its true atmosphere. Thank you for sharing.
I’d love to visit Greece. All the pictures I’ve seen are so beautiful. And I love to explore the little side streets when I visit towns.
I was really surprised by just how big Athens is! Great photos and looks like you had a fab trip!
I would love to visit Athens someday! Greece in general. It has been on my bucket list for awhile now. The architecture, the food!
Paula Schuck
WOW!! So beautiful. This is relevant because I am in Northern Greece in May and am currently deciding if we should also go see Athens. I feel like it is logical to go there too. Is it a must see?
Ja jag älskade att bara gå runt och göra ingenting 😃
You really should visit Athens Nicky, I am sure that you would love it 😊
You would love it Pam 😊
Thank you Mary 😊
Ah Matt, you would lvoe the food, its amazing! 😃
Oh yes, if you have the time, you really should go 😊 I have some other posts aswell on Athens, with some hotel and restaurant recomendations, check them out 😊
this nice country and city is still in my wishlist, hope to have a good trip soon!
Jasmine Watts
Every places have it’s own piece of little magic. It is only depend on us how we discover it.
Gorgeous! I’ve always wanted to visit Greece. It looks like such a beautiful place!
Eileen M Loya
Greece is high up on my travel bucket list. I would love to explore every town, every city in that beautiful country. Thanks for sharing your photos. Athens is lovely!
This would be a wonderful trip. We’re planning to visit Greece in two years as a couple’s trip.
Sarah M
Athen has its own famous old history. I would like to walk on its brick streets.
Emma Engström
Bästa och finaste Grekland, otroligt vad det är vackert!! <3
I hope you make it there Yana!
It sure has jasmine 😊
Oh it was Heather, it was a great place!
Thanks Eileen 😊
You really should Fatima, it was beautiful! 😊
You really should Sarah! 😊
Men asså jaaaa 😃
Jag förstår verkligen inte varför man inte sett mer av grekland… jag skulle inte ha något emot att få se mer av öarna, eller ja mer av fastlandet också 😊
Har du varit mycket i Grekland?
Terri Steffes
Athens is on my bucket list. I was glad to take a walk around with you! Where are we going next?
Glad you enjoyed it Terri 😊
Next up we’re gong to Edinburgh again, I just love that city so much. Have you ever been there?
This looks like a wonderful place. The architecture is so eccentric yet very 16th century. Great blog. You always have good blog posts.
Ntensibe Edgar
Ah no, I haven’t been to Athens. I hear it’s really beautiful!
Thank you Sarah, that means a lot! 😃
It sure is 😊
You should really try to put AThens on your bucketlist, its a beautiful city!
What a beautiful stroll. Thanks for taking us along on it. I have yet to visit Athens, but hopefully one day.
Subhashish Roy
It was a lovely walk with you and with great interest. We are going to be in Greece in May and would start with Athens. Now I am quite excited seeing the pictures.
I’ve never been to Athens, but I loved this walk with you! 😍 Thank you for sharing these stunning pictures with us!
emman damian
I haven’t been in Athens, Greece! It’s so full of great architecture and history. I hope to visit it soon.
My son went recently with his girl and they really enjoyed it. I would love to hear the music playing while out and about.
Just stunning! I would love to take a beautiful stroll in Greece!
Nice photos. I love Athens, so many people I know tell me to avoid Athens and head to the islands but there’s just something about walking around Athens that I really enjoy 😉
I’ve never been to Greece but it is on my list! I love cities that have a “eat outside whenever possible” culture. It just makes it more welcoming some how. I also love cities with fruit trees! We went to Sevilla, Spain for Christmas and there were orange trees EVERYWHERE. It was soo pretty. Love these photos! Looks like you wouldn’t mind being lost 😊
I’ve never been to Athens, but we want to visit it in near future. hope it will be really soon! Our dream to see Santorini. oh it should be amazing trip!
Your travel photos are always gorgeous! I woud love to visit Athens one day.
Wow, beautiful photos.
Thank you Anna 😊
Nah, its just two different kind of trips. Athens is citylife and the islands are more sun and relax. Do both 😊
You really should go,
its an amazing city! 😊
Oh it sure would!
Thank you 😃
Thank you Kendall 😊
This is a very different face of Athens that we normally get to see 😊
Looks beautiful- I’m going this summer.
Elizabeth O
Athens is a fascinating, historic city and your photos are beautiful. II’m. Always game for a vacation.
I haven’t been yer even though is quite close to my hometown Italy. I’m very attracted to the food and I’m afraid of thd crowds!
Love the photos of old streets in Athens! I has a certain charm of probably a historic city. Walking through the narrow cobblestone streets, going up and down stairs and steps and exploring a city is always a fun thing. Also, the best of it all is to sit down at the roadside cafe at the end and sip something you love! 😊