The poolarea
The poolarea of our hotel in Hersonissos, Crete.
I dont have a lot of images from this old trip to Hersonissos on Crete. It was back then when you carried a compact camera with you, and you image of each object. I think I took about fifty images, total, during the entire week we spent there. And I remember thinking that it was a whole lot of images. To compare that to present day, I take about a thousand images on a weekend trip. Yepp, thats a lot of editing.
We spent most of our days by the hotel pool, kiddo didnt really swim back then, so it was easier for him and us to stay by the pool. And as kids usually does, he found some friends to play with. I am always amazed by the fact that kids always find friends in other countries, it really doesnt matter that theres a language barrier between them. Kids dont care.
Isn’t kids amazing that way?

Så fint. När var nu där (Nouw krånglar så lyckad tyvärr bara läsa början…)
Ja det är jättestörigt, så fort man försöker läsa så kastas man iväg till ett annat inlägg 😟 Vi var där för jättelänge sen, över 10 år sen nu 😊
Ja det var superfint!
Har lyckats läsa hela nu 😃
Jag lyckas fortfarande inte se hela inlägg, de byter till ett annat inlägg hela tiden…
Ja det är riktigt irriterande. Jag kan fortfarande inte göra nya kategorier. Det skulle ha vart löst i fredags kväll
Yes, kids are amazing and travel helps them widen their horizons. When they hear various languages fron an early age, they learn them easier later, their ears are better trained to to new sounds.
That looks like an amazing pool area. I am so jealous you got to go to Greece! It’s been on my bucket list for quite awhile.
Leslie L Denning
Looks like a lovely place to hang out. It’s a nice place to be on a sunny day!
I’d love to visit Greece! What a lovely pool area.
Oh yes, kids are amazing in that way 😊
Oh yes, I agree with you Matt, I would love to travel around Greece more 😊
You are right Leslie 😊
You should really visit Greece Kendall, its beautiful 😊
Ntensibe Edgar
Hihi….how I wish we all learn(ed) from them! Kids always get it moving as far as making friends is concerned. You have reminded me of my childhood bestie, Laxmi. She is Indian and I didn’t know a single word in Indian but we were so tight!
Myrah Duque
Greece is such a beautiful destination. This pool looks so inviting especially with the cold weather all over the country.
Tiffany La Forge-Grau
I remember being younger and loving to travel with my parents. I was always thrilled when our hotel had a pool.
A nice sunny environment, with a nice big pool, very lovely, indeed
Eileen M Loya
Greece is a dream destination for me. I dream of exploring every town, every city there. If I could only move to Greece to live the rest of my life there, I would!
haha oh yes, kids always find a way 😊
Where are you from Myrah?
Haha so did I, then I could play all day 😊
I would not mind trading the winter for a pool right now 😃
Oh you really should go to Greece Eileen, the country have so much to offer. I have been to about eight different destinations in Greece, and I loved them all 😃
Amber K
What a fantastic pool area. I am completely jealous of you being in Greece. I’ve always wanted to go