Guess again!
Yupp! The second trip for 2020 is booked, or actually, this is the first. Hm, okey, let me put this into more understandable words, I seem to be blabbering a bit. This is the second trip for 2020 that we have booked, but we are leaving for Edinburgh before we head off to Paris. Does that make sence?
We are finally going for the Beltane celebrations, I have been wanting to go for two years now, but the time has never been right. Its a festivale of lights and it marks the beginning of summer. Its gonna be so much fun! Just google Beltane if you want to know more of the festivale and cant wait until I have been there so I can show you as well as tell you.
This will be my third trip to Edinburgh, so do I really have to tell you that I am so in love with the city?

Så spännande. Jag har aldrig vart där tyvärr. Alltid kul att ha något att se fram emot
Ja Ingela, jag älskar den känslan 😃
Även om det är tredje gången vi åker dit så ska det bli superkul!
Vad trevligt att besöka en stad så många gånger. Verkligen kunna fördjupa sig i staden och hitta nya guldkorn varje gång.
Ja verkligen!
När vi kommer till Edinburgh, så känns det lite som att komma hem 😊
I googled Beltane as I hadn’t heard of it before. It looks interesting to visit, very pagan and exciting.