Hagia Sofia
You might have seen some of these images from Hagia Sofia before on our instagram stories, but I thought it was about time that we shared them on the blog aswell. Our visit to Istanbul was HOT, really hot, and the day that we decided to visit Hagia Sofia was not an exception to the summerheat.
Once again, we did did not do what I always encourage you to do, we did not go there in the morning before the crowds get there. We were in line to enter the museum for like an hour and as I said – it was hot and sweaty to the point were I was about to give up, several times. They open at 09.oo in the morning and you really should get there early, not at midday as we did. During summer its open untill 19.oo, but last entrance is at 18.oo, so keep that in mind when you’re visiting.
It will cost you about 11 € to enter the museum and you can spend as much time as want inside. And trust me, take your time, there is much to see.
Did you know that Hagia Sofia was used as a church for 916 years, then used as a mosque for 482 years before is was converted into a museum in 1935. Fun facts.
Have any one of you been to Hagia Sofia in Istanbul Turkey?
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Så fint
Det var verkligen superfint, galet varmt men jättevackert 😃
När var ni där?
I juni, vilket var en underbar tid att åka även om det var ganska svettigt 😉 Kanske inte den bästa tiden på året att åka dock om man ska gå runt mycket. Men om man ska gå runt och se mer än vad vi hann med så skulle jag nog rekommendera att man stannar lite längre, vi åkte torsdag till söndag.
Tack för tipsen
Vilken vacker plats!
Ja det var jättefint, helt klart annorlunda mot typ allt annat man tidigare sett 😊
så vackert kram
Ja visst är det fint Diana? 😊
Thanks for the practical details on Haigia Sofia. I was there a few years and didn’t have to queue albiet I went during the late hours of the day
Rhonda Albom
We waiting in a long sweaty line, and were there with crowds. Too bad I didn’t read this before we visited. Your photos are lovely. Hagia Sophia is one of those really speacial places.
Catherine’s Cultural Wednesdays
Bought back great memories of Hagia Sofia
I find it’s always a good idea to arrive at popular sights early, maybe even before they open. Thanks for the great information!
You are very welcome 😊
Thank you Rhonda, your words means the world 😊
Oh when did you visit Catherine?
I usually do to, I dont know why we decided to take a slow morning 😋 I usually like to be in place before the attraction opens to make sure I dont have to stand in long lines. Ah well 😋
We are going to Turkey in the summer for three months, so it will be interesting to visit. kx
What places in turkey?
It looks like such a beatuiful place to visit. But definitely good to know to visit early.
Oh definatly! And if you are planning to visit Istanbul and going on all the touristplaces, I would not visit june to august, its to hot in the city, go during spring and fall 😊
How beautiful! I’d love to visit Turkey
You really should Mona, if not to Istanbul just go for a summervacation, they have the best beaches and food 😊