Crete Rethymnon
You know what, I just realised that I have been on a bunch of trips that I have not told you about. Most of them was a few years back, or even longer, but still. I cant belive I forgot about them, so sorry.
Take Rethymnon on the Greek island of Crete for example, thats one of the destinations I have not told you about. I have actually been to two different cities on Crete, on two different occations, and one other Greek island, but we’ll start off with Rethymnon.
We were on the island for a family vacation, but I was really lucky that a makeupartist that I had worked with in Stockholm was there aswell, so we decided to have a quick photoshoot.
Do you want me to share my work as a modelphotographer from my trips? I really have a bunch of images from all over Europe that I could share with you if you are interested. Or do you just want the travelimages? Let me know.

So kul med Kreta, jag var ju där i oktober. Jag ser gärna bilder från jobbresor också
För min del var det längre sen jag var där nu, fyra år sen sist. Men kan man annat än älska de Grekiska öarna? 😊
Då ska jag absolut visa lite modellfotograferingar också 😊