Gülhane park
Its beautiful right? Gülhane park in Istanbul Turkey is kind of like an oasis in the middle of the city, with its location beeing right smack in the city center. And the park is not just big, its huge. But do you want to know my favorite part about this specific park? You can actually use it. Even though theres people everywhere thats working in park, gardening and keeping it clean, its okey to use park.
Its okey if you want to bring a picnic blanket and make it a family day. Its okey to lay on the grass and read a good book. You can actually use the park, its not just there to be pretty for the tourists. We’ve all been in that kind of “dont walk on the gras” parks, they are usually pretty, but shouldnt they me called museums, not parks? Dont get me wrong, I get the point with the museumparks, I just like places like Gülhane park so much more where there’s actual interaction.
What do you prefer?

The 18 meters Colomn of the Goth is found the park, its the oldest known monument of Istanbul. And if you like tulips, you should really visit the park in march and april during their festivale, where they use millions of tulip flowers as artwork.
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Always a joy visiting your blog because of the amazing and beautiful photos you share. Instabul is truly a hidden gem
I’ve always wondered what it is like in Istanbul. I think there is probably so many beautiful gems there 😊
Oh thank you Sharon, that means the world! 😃
And I totally agree with you, Istanbul truly is an amazing place!
Yes Lauren, there are many places in Istanbul that is well worth visiting. We were only in town for a weekend so I am sure that there are lots of places that we missed out on 😊
We will be heading that way next year, so this was very good to see.
Loved our time in Istanbul, though we didn’t make it to this park. Beautiful pictures, as always!
Så kul att läsa. Jag har aldrig ens hört talas om det här
You’ll love it Karen, its a great city!
Thank you Amy, we are happy you enjoy our images 😃
Vad roligt!
Vi mer eller mindre snubblade över parken, inte meningen alls, vi letade efter en bar 😃
Så himla fint med mosaiken runt fönstren, älskar sådana detaljer.
Ja superfint!
Var du i parken när du var i Istanbul?
Nej jag missade den dumt nog. Kollade upp den på kartan och den låg ju i det området jag strövade runt i.
Gülhane park is absolutely beautiful. I remember being so surprise on our first visit to Europe to see so many parks where you couldn’t sit on the grass. This is a wonderful place for families.
Du kasnke får en ny chans någon dag 😊
Kan du tänka dig at åka tillbaka eller finns det andra ställen i Turkiet du hellre åker till?
It sure is Joanne 😊 And I totally agree with you, there should be more parks you can actually use
The architecture is something else!
Istanbul är fortfarande nr 1 när det gäller Turkiet. Kan tänka mig att åka tillbaka även om det dalat lite på “vill besöka-listan” eftersom jag sett dom sevärdheter jag allra helst velat se. Men finns fortfarande en hel del kvar jag vill se som Topkapi palatset, Arkeologiska museumet m.m.
Åh jag vet inte om jag har någon no1 när det kommer till Turkiet, det finns fortfarande så många ställen jag inte sett, som jag gärna vill besöka 😊
It sure is Mona, it was so beautiful 😊
Men wow så underbart fint det ser ut att vara! 😃 <3
Så himla vacker arkitektur!
How did I miss this beautiful park when we were in Istanbul? We only stopped there as a cruise port. I can’t wait to go back and fully explore the city.
Det var verkligen vackert 😊
Har du varit i Istanbul?
Ohyes, om ni hamnar i Istanbul så rekommenderar jag att ni besöker parken, perfekt ställe för en picnic 😊
Maybe some day you will get to go back Rhonda 😊
It sure is a beautiful city!
The park looks lovely! I went to Istanbul years ago but never made it here. I agree that it’s so much nicer to find a park you can enjoy & relax in.
It sure was a great place to walk around and just enjoy the enviroment 😊