The partypeople – or not!

No, I wouldnt say that we were partypeople during the trip to Nessebar. Angelica was pregnant and half way through our trip she fell ill. Just a cold, but still. She was obviouly contagious, cuz just a few days later we were all sick. The boys and I managed to keep it in check, but by the last days we were all pretty runned downand it stuck with us for a week and a half.
The glamorous life huh?
So we spent quite a few of our nights just chilling at either the top of the hotel looking at the view of old town Nessebar, or at the terrace of the room playing cards and just having a slow night. Dont get me wrong, we had a great trip, but it would have been even better if we would have felt better.
Getting sick while on a trip, thats the worst!
Have you ever been sick whilst on a vacation? And if so, how did you manage?

Travelling full time, getting sick is inevitable although when it’s been part of a holiday then sickness really sucks. All you can do is be prepared with personal remedies and rest. So many people are ill on their holidays because of their stress.
Haha jag lyckas alltid dra på mig en kraftig förkylning/feber när jag är ute och reser! Så irriterande!
I agree with you, most people get sick when there’s time off because of all the stress…
Jag brukar oftast klara mig, en gång tidigare på en resa till London blev jag dålig, men annars klarar jag mig oftast. Men det är sjukt störigt!
There’s nothing worse than getting sick when you travel. Looks like you made the most of it thoug.
I know right?
We really did try our best to keep going even though we were quite out of it. Spent a week in bed when we came home though, so we lost a week of summervacation :/
You have that right if you are going to get sick at least have a good view lol. A good cocktail always helps to chase those germs away – at least that’s what my Irish friends always say.
Jay Artale
I’ve been pretty lucky with travel and illness – except for one trip where we arranged layover in London for two nights, and I spent the entire time in bed with the flu. I tried to get up but I was so weak, that all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed. Sometimes you’ve just got to give into it, and wallow in your bed!
haha I like way your irish friends think 😋
London seems to do that to you, it did the same to me 😋
But I am kind of starting to forgive LOndon I think, so I am thinking of going back. I dont think I have a fair view of the city, and I feel right now that I dont like London. But I am guessing that I really dont like beeing sick in London 😃
I feel like I’m constantly getting sick while traveling. Sorry you weren’t well. Looks like a lovely trip regardless!
Thank you Mona! Yes we did have a great trip anyways 😊
Our whole family got sick many years ago in Disney World. Thankfully, by the time I got sick a few days after everyone else, my husband was well enough to bring them to fun places. It’s terrible when that happens!
It sure is Joanne, and I am sorry to hear that you got sick in Disney World. I really hope that you got to enjoy the park anyways 😊
På mitt förra jobb åkte vi till London eller Dublin på julfest varje år och jag lyckades vara superförkyld och tappa rösten på åtta resor av åtta möjliga…. Privat så blev jag rejält sjuk i Kalifornien en gång men hade turen att bo hos mina släktingar som tog hand om mig väldigt bra.
Asså haha Ann-Louise, 8 av 8 möjliga, det är ändå ganska bra jobbat 😉 😃 Julfester kanske inte riktigt är för dig helt enkelt 😃
Skämt å sido, det är ju jättejobbigt att flyga när man är dunderförkyld!
Nice to read your short travelogues. such a feel-good factor.
Thanks Sinjana, yes I prefer the shorter stories myseft, its not all the time that you are up to reading a full size article. Sometimes its better with the shorter once 😊
Oh no. Getting sick while travelling is inevitable. I guess it’s just in how you handle it all. Chilling and looking down from the hotel roof sounds like a good plan!
We did manage quite well, we were all so thankfullthat we had a great hotel to hang out at 😊
Yes, I have been sick while travelling and managed it.
Hope you ajoyed your trim anyways Anita 😊
WOW vilka otroliga bilder. Fullkomligt älskar bilden på drinkarna! Såå himla trist att ni blev sjuka allihopa, hoppas att ni mår bättre nu. Kram!
Tack Frida, kul att du gillar bilderna 😊
Ja att bli sjuk på en resa är nått jag alltid är rädd för, det om något kan förstöra hela resan. Har det hänt dig någongång?
Getting sick is the worst! Especially while traveling. Those drinks look pretty yummy though!
Haha yes Lauren, the drinks helped 😃
Nessebar is a historic city worth exploring, you definitely should revisit when you feel well 😊
I really would love to revisit Bulgaria, it was my first time there and I am sure there are so much more to explore!
Annalisa Fran
You went on such amazing trips in 2019! Definitely copying your Bulgaria itinerary!
Falling ill or feeling sick during travel time is really the worst thing to happen. I love the picture of the two drinks with straws! Very inviting! 😊