Travelling with kids
Our new travelcompanion is arriving in about six weeks and I cant wait to show her the world. Both me and aunty Ann is superexited about whats to come, like what will it be like? Is it easier than expected? Or will it be harder and more limited? I am guessing the only limitation is yourself. Thats why I want to go on our first trip right after me and the little one has settled in a bit and just go on a weekend trip just to try it out, the longer we wait the more limited I will get and I will not allow my self to do that. Travelling is a part of who I am and Im not done by a long shot.
A passport for the little one, for myself and the fiance and then we’re gonna start reseashing out first trip together, me and Ann are voting for Paris, so Paris it is!
Whats your experience when it comes to travelling with kids? Anything particular that we should keep in mind? Hit me with all your tips and tricks. A few of our travelling blogfriends has written about their up and comming journeys regarding the same subject, you can find their stories at Linda At Resa Medvetet and Resa med Malin, a babyboom amongst the swedish travel bloggers! 🙂
/ Angelica

Om sex veckor är våran resekompanjon beräknad och det ska bli så kul att få visa henne världen, både jag och moster Ann är sjukt taggade på vad som komma skall, hur kommer det gå? Är det lättare än vad vi trodde? Kommer det bli jobbigt eller begränsat? Jag tror att enda begränsningen som finns är en själv. Därför vill jag försöka komma iväg på en resa när både jag och lillan är återhämtade och ge oss iväg på en weekend för att känna på, ju längre jag väntar desto mer begränsad kommer jag bli och det vill jag inte tillåta mig själv. Resa är en del av mig och jag inte är inte på långa vägar klar.
Ett pass till lillan, mig och sambo och därefter ska vi börja kolla på vår första gemensamma resa, jag och Ann röstar på Paris och ja Paris it is!
Har ni några erfarenheter om att resa med barn? Något vi ska tänka på? Ge mig all tips ni kan komma på. Flera av våra resande bloggkollegor har skrivit om ungefär samma sak, ni hittar deras berättelser hos Linda hos Resa medvetet och Resor med Malin, det är en babyboom bland svenska resebloggare! 🙂
/ Angelica
Åh så spännande!! Önskar er lycka till när ni ska resa med barnet sen, hoppas hen är en riktigt resare också haha 😉
sv: Tusen tack fina du!! Jaa inspirationen var indianhäst, deras målning 😃
Tack Ida! 😃
Jay Artale
You can’t go wrong with Paris – it’s an amazing city. Get your walking shoes on, because that’s the best way to explore the city. We’re doing a three month trip to France next year, working from South to North, ending in a few day in Paris, and I can’t wait to wander aimlessly about – and then eat too much cheese and drink too much French wine!
Thanks for your tips Jay, too much cheese and wine it is 😃
My son was born in Portugal. My first experience of travelling with him was when he was 6 weeks old, flying back to the UK for a holiday. I found that when you are with a baby, people are really helpful, but keep lots of things to keep baby happy. Also I found wearing lighter clothes as any baby sick doesn’t show up as much…. Enjoy travelling with your little one!
Paris can be nice or super touristy, depending on which neighborhood you visit. Fortunately the infrastructute is pretty good, you can take a buggy for example. Best wishes for the baby and the trip!
I don’t have children so I do not have any experience in this area, but it seems like babies have a lot more “stuff” than 50 years ago when my parents were traveling with me! I wish you the best of luck with your first trip with your new baby!
Traveling with a baby is such a joy! It is definitely different than pre-baby days, but it is so worth it! Our daughter is almost two years old now, and she is an excellent travelers. We babymooned in Paris before she was born and hope to take her back soon. Her first interational trip was to the UK, and we had a wonderful time! Congrats on your family’s new addition.
Traveling with a baby is easy compared to once she starts walking and talking. That’s my humble opinion! But if you’re prepared, I think you can do well traveling with your little one at any age. My grandkids are in elementary school and we love to take them on trips!
Oh how exiting!
Thank you so much for you advice! 😊
Thank you Anna 😊
Thank you Andi 😊
That makes me so happy to hear Leah, thank you! 😃
haha Saron 😃 Then we best start planning a lot of trips during her first year 😃
I would avoid flying with newborns until they are 6+ months old. Especially from fall to spring. The air on planes is recycled and full of sneezing, coughing and cold germs. Plus all the warm clothing parents must carry for themselves and the baby. It’s exhausting. If you cannot avoid it, breastfeeding helps to protect babies’ immunity and keeps them happy during flights.
You have a good point Slavka, there are a lot of germs on the planes. But even though you should be careful with your newborn, you shouldnt be to careful 😊
Good luck with everything! I don’t have kids so I can’t give you any advice but Paris seems like a great place to start! I do remember my sister bringing my 2 month old neice over solo from Australia while she was breastfeeding & both survived. My neice is now 21 but I don’t think it was experience that my sister was ever keen to repeat. It can’t get worse than that surely? 😉
Haha I am sure you are right 😃
Good to hear having a baby is not going to stop your travelling. Can never go wrong with Paris.
Anna Intrepid Scout
Great choice as far as Paris. It is a place that I always discover something new. I am so glad you are continuing to travel.
Thanks Sarah!
Thanks Anna! 😊
Traveling with kids can be a challenge, but it is also an important part of their education. I think the most valuable lesson is to be flexible–somedays will go as planned and others not, either way that’s ok.
Traveling with kids is so rewarding and fun. We’ve been traveling with our now 3 year old since he was born. My husband is from Ireland so we did a bunch of international flying before the squirt turned 1. Good luck and enjoy your time while they’re little!
Haha Wendy, you make a good point!
Thank you Catherine 😃
Congratulations on the new arrival. It is so great to start travelling when your baby is young. I remember being on a bus in Peru and a young couple were backpacking around South America with their 6 month old. They wanted their child to be part of their life, not the other way round.
I belive its better to start when the kids are really young, that way you dont have the time to get nervous about it! 😉