Twixmas with Anngelic

So have you read this article?
Mei and Kerstin did this collaborations with a bunch of travelbloggers that gives you tips and ideas of where to spend the holidays in Europe, during christmas. Of course we wanted to give our point of view, so we participated with a few lines of Madeira in Portugal. And hey, dont you just love the play on words with Twixmas?
Where are you spending Christmas and New Years? Abroad or at home?

Always wondered where Europeans holiday during Christmas. Great post!
Thank you Aswani 😊
Måste läsa denna! Jag åker hem till Sverige <3 Längtar så!
Åhååå 😊 Vart i Sverige?
I never knew there was a term for the time between Christmas + NYE, but I like Twixmas! 😋 I’d love to check out the Christmas markets! :] The photos are gorgeous!
haha thank you Farrah 😃
Madeira must have been super nice! Would love to visit it, at Christmas or otherwise.
I chcked out the artcile and am inspired! I hadn’t heard of “Twixmas” before but I love the play on words. I would love to go to Krakow during this time, but Bulgaria has also been on our bucket list for awhile!
It sure was something special to spend christmas there 😊
I know right? 😃
I love new words and finding new meanings in how to use them 😃
Anna Intrepid Scout
It is something new to me. I have not known about Twixmas. Great! I have learned something new. I love Europe during Christmas time. The Christmas Markets are the best.
Oh yes, thats a bit of a dream for me, to travel during christmas to see al lot of christmas markets. That sure would get you in the spirit 😃