Walk with me – old town Edinburgh, part I
Okey, so the first two images are taken from the new town point of view, just as we arrived in in Edinburgh. The rest of them are taken in the old town areas. Thats kind of the aras I love the most.
New town is not new. Its from the 18th century, it was constructed between 1767 and 1890, so I would say its quite old. But that part of town is more commersial estates, so if you’re into shopping thats where you’re suppose to go. Theres other stuff to do aswell, I know that, I just like the other side of the bridge more.
The medieval old town was built back in the 15th century. Now thats old. And stunningly beautiful. You can just start walking around the cobblestreets and never stop beeing amazed over the beauty that filles the city. Sure, you can walk the Royal Mile up to the castle, that beautiful. But my favorite walk is the one where you lose yourself in the smaller streets and back alleys, to the point where you lose track of time cuz you’re kind in another universe. Maybe in the world of Harry Potter or Outlander.
And did you know that Edinburgh is actually part of the UNESCO world heritage list?
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Ser så vackert ut
Edinburgh är supervackert, helt klart min favorit i Europa! Det är den enda staden jag känt mig hemma i direkt när jag landad 😃
Har du varit där?
Nej tyvärr inte, vill gärna åka dit
Åh då har du missat 😋
Edinburgh är helt underbart! Men det är inte utan att jag blir sugen på att resa runt i övriga Skottland också, Aberdeen och Inverness hade inte varit så dumt att få besöka 😊
Åhh så vackert Edinburgh är!! Vill verkligen åka dit någon gång 😃
Men Ida, man kan inte missa Edinburgh! 😋
Jag har siktat in mig på att åka till våren igen, till Beltane fesivalen 1 maj, då man firar in solen och ljuset. Det ser helt magiskt ut 😊
Wow vilka bilder! Vilka byggnader😍 hade gärna rest dit nån gång