Has the summer come to an end?

Well, the question is, as the topic says – has the summer come to an end?
I hate the thought of it, but it seems like we dont really have a choice in the matter, or even a vote. The summer is ending. The season is turning, its getting colder and the autumn wether is showing off its power. When I was kid, I always though that the summer ended when school started, but nowadays Im gunning for a longer summer. Its almost mid september and Im only beggínning to cave.
So whats next?
Hibernation? No, not really. I still belive there are some good days left until the summer comes to a final end, and Im gonna do my best to catch them. I will do my best to enjoy the last days of the swedish summer before its time for knitted scarves and beanies. But to be fair, I am planning ahead. Yes, of course, Im planning trips for the autumn, arent you?
I did a blogpost with the topic Bucketlist for 2019 a while a go and so far I have only been able to check off two of the destinations on that list, Madrid and Edinburgh. Maybe I was a bit forward thinking I could do them all. But, I am planning to devouring another one during the autumn. Care to guess wich one?
Do you have any autumtrips planned?

Interested to see what you do next from your bucket list. This week I’m off for a gliding lesson & in October climbing Kilimanjaro! Two things already to tick for the Autumn.
Oh Sue, that truly sounds like an adventure!
Woooow så vackra!
Åhh så vackra och härliga bilder! 😃
Åh tack! 😃
Nämen tackar 😃
Summer is my favorite season so I’m sad that it’s ending, but fall comes with comfy clothes and delicious food and is my second favorite season, so I’m okay with that! 😋 Hope you get to do some traveling!
Thank you Farrah 😊
No trips planned yet but looking forward to seeing how your bucket list plan turn out. All the best 😊
Jay Artale
There’s just something so happy about sunflowers. We have one lone sunflower in our garden at the moment, and I hope he lasts for a while! 2 places off your bucket list isn’t bad – which was your favourite?
Sarah Wilson
I love the summer, blue skies and warm weather. I couldn’t bear the constant grey skies of London so I moved to a warmer climate 😊
We are having an extended summer here in mid-west USA. It seems like our hot summer is staying around longer, so I will keep enjoying every last bit that I can! Hope you can get in a few more bucket list items too!
What a lovely field of sunflowers! Well, we’re getting temps in the 80s this weekend in California, so we aren’t finished with summer yet!
Let us know where you decided to go next 😊
anna intrepid scout
What an amazing photography! I love the fields of sunflowers. So well done! I am so ready for fall and winter though. My summers are hot and long.
Oh how I have thought about that, moving to a warmer climate!
Where do you live now?
I am so jelous Michelle!
I know right? Its beautiful!
Enjoy the last summer in Cali 😊
Agnese, we just booked a trip to Athens for new years, and for christmas we’re staying in the south of Sweden 😊
Oh Anna, thank you! 😃
Lovely photos which capture love and light. Well done!
Thanks Melissa 😃
Nancy Williams
I don’t have anything big planned for fall, but I’m going to Utah skiing over New Years! I hate summer coming to an end too.
Becki Reddell
Wow, beautiful colours captured. Quitessentially summer with all those Sunflowers.
Oh wow, that sounds like a great New Years!
Oh thanks Becki 😊
Love how you have captured the sunflower fields. So summery and beautiful.
What a joy to walk through a field of sunflowers!
Thank you Georgina 😊
It sure was Nathalie 😊
Chelsea Messina
I love your sunflower pictures!! I wasnt able to find a sunflower field this year 😟