The Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque is defenatly one of those historical sites, or tourist attracktions if you like, that one’s suppose to see when you’re in Istanbul.
It was 36 degrees celsius and thats 96.8 degrees fahrenheit. We had just stood in line for fourty minutes to enter the Hagia Sofia Museum, so I was not really in the mood the stand in another crowded line. Yes, I did it again. I was at the must-see places during the time when every one else was to, at the high point of the day. So this is all I’ve got of the famous Blue Mosque.
Du fick se den ivarje fall 😊 kram Diana
haha ja Diana, det fick jag 😊
Om jag någon gång åker tillbaka till Istanbul, så är det den Blå Mosken som jag vill gå in, men då vill jag nog hellre åka när det är liiite svalare.