Cider tasting – Crispy Apple & Mayador
You all know my passion for dry ciders, so it might not come as a suprise when I tell you that we had a little tasting of some new ciders. Atleast new to me. I found several ciders that I havent tried before, so this sure was a treat.
And yes, I had tried some of them before as well. I bought em cuz I like em. This blogpost is my opinion of the Crispy Apple and Mayador, hope you enjoy the read.

Cocky Crane Cidery – Crispy Apple
Freshly pressed swedish summer in a bottle, thats what you get! This tastes like real apples thats been sunbathing for just the right amount of time. Not to strong and not to big, a semidry light weight cider for the upcomming summernights.
Its said that each apple is handpicked in Herrljunga, the west of Sweden. One might belive that or not, but whatever one chooses to envision, this small bottle is a bundle of joy.
I’m quite sure we’ll have this one again and at that time we might get to meet its younger brother, the Cloudy Apple. Here’s hoping.

Sidra Asturiana – Mayador
I dont know if have ever tried a spanish cider, french and irish for sure, but never spanish. This is produced in the northern province Asturia, right by the Biscay Bay. If you visit the district you’ll be able to go on guided tours, many of them free and even workshops. Seems like kind of a cool place to go, right?
So this is a full size corked bottle, that has been fermented in a chestnut barrel, sounds fancy right? Well, I have to say that this one was quite overrated. Its not that I didnt like it, it was just not all that, Would I drink it again, sure. But would I buy it again, probobly not.
It was an okey cider, low taste, straw yellow, low carbon. Moderatly flavored. If you want to spice it up, share it with friends and loved once. But I bet it would taste great if you got to visit the Asturian distillery in Spain.
I’m gonna stop here, before I go on and on with all of the bottles. Lets keep it light. But I promise that I will try to give you a review of the others aswell, starting with the Irish, as soon as possible.
Stay tuned.
#cider #cockycrane #crispyapple #mayador
#sidra #swedish #spanish #review