Rollers & Bowlers
They say its a sportsbar and amusementcenter with an american diner experience. I say thats about right.

The place looks absolutly amazing, the interior design is to die for. Its kind of a gasstation diner with pastel cubicles where you enjoy your foods and maybe a shake. The walls are covered with cool paintings and quirky looking objects. They serve everything from meetballs and lasagna, to burgers, wraps and american pan pizzas. The lunchmenu is about 10 €, so its well worth the price. Especially since you get to eat you food to some great 50s music.

If you want the more adult experience theres is a bar by bowling alleys, where the drinks are served. But theres also pooltables, shuffleboard and the best of all – the rollerskating rink. Lets me rephrase that, if you are an adult whos looking for a fun night, this is the place for you.
Its located about 30 minutes, with train, from Stockholm City, so its an easy commute to Haninge. If you are interested, check out their Website.
Alltså vilket perfekt ställe. Drömmer mig till pastellfärgerna och Marilyn och med en milkhake i handen.
Men asså jaaa, det är verkligen ett superställe! Har du vägarna förbi och lite tid över, så är det absolut värt att stanna till och leka lite 😃
Vi kommer absolut att gå tillbaka en kväll och leka av oss 😋