Slovak National Theatre

Through out the years I’ve been to a ton different clasic shows, operas, operettas, ballet but it was my first time ever that I listen to a symphony orchestra at the Slovak National Theatre: the Historic Opera Building in Bratislava.
As you can see from the image, the building has an amazing renaissance revival architechture that was constructed in 1886. My tip to you, even if you dont like the music or the play, just go anyways, for the architechture and the atmosphere. Its well worth it.
In hindsight, I should have taken more images, and lots of them. I know, sorry there arent more, And I wish that I could say that I was buzy enjoying the show, but I actually just forgot to take more pictures and that, unfortunately goes for the entire trip. Hope you enjoy this one though.
Jay Artale
Some of these old concert venues are so amazing, that even if you’re not keen on seeing a perforamnce, you have to attend just to get the full experience of the architecutre, design and ambiance of the place.