Some more images from the trip to Pisa
Who can resist the amazing Pisa Cathedra with its Leaning clocktower and the The Baptistery?
As I have told you before, it’s been quite a few years ago that we were in Pisa, but I really wouldnt mind going back. Besides the fantastic arcitechture the city is quite uniqe. When I think of Pisa, for me its the typical Italian city filled with murmur, laughter and cute little resturants and diners.
I dont really think I apprisiated the city for all its worth when I was there, but looking back at the images we took it kind of hits me how beautiful the city is. And did you know that its actually one of Italys oldest cities?
Yes, theres St John stuff in Pisa as well, and lots of it for those of you who’ll join me in the search for the history of St John. If you’re going to Pisa, make sure you’ll stop at the Knights Square, and read up on your history in before hand, so you won’t miss out on the good stuff.
More than once, Ive heard that people talk about Pisa like one of the most overrated traveldestinations in Europe. Have you ever been to Pisa, and do you agree?

Pisas torn vore så häftigt att se, och resten av staden med såklart.
These are such beautiful pictures! I can’t wait to visit Italy!
Hi Kay, yes you really should visit Italy, its an amazing country! 😊
The architecture looks amazing! I would love to see it in person!
If you are into architechture italy is the country to visit, for sure. There are amazing and stunningly beautiful buildings everywhere 😊
Det finns verkligen såååå himla mycket att se i Pisa och i närliggande städer 😊
Lovely photos. I’ve never been to Italy, but Pisa is probably someplace that I wouldn’t go out of my way for. The leaning tower is interesting though.
The leaning tower is just a tower 😋 BUt the city is amazing, such a great little picturesque place to spend a weekend. You should visit Nancy 😊
Jay Artale
So Pisa has so more to offer than the leaning tower by the looks of it. The cathedral and baptisry are stunning. I had no idea the architecture was so complex and intricate here.
Oh yes Jay, I am sure that you would love the city. Its kind of small, but its so pretty. If you have not already been there, I do recomend that go and visit for a weekend 😊