Blogposts on Istanbul
Our fellow travelbloggers has been quite busy, they have written some really great stuff when it comes to Istanbul. Some of them I found months ago and I read almost everything they write and some I found on recomendations and googling.
There’s tips on what to do and not to miss out on, a lot of tips on great resturants with a view overlooking the city and bit and pieces of pure joy. Have a look: at the links down below:

They are all in swedish though, so If any one has tips on blogposts on Istanbul in other languages, preferbly english, please let me know. Enjoy the reading!

Marias Memoarer
åh härligt att ha dem samlade på ett och samma ställe, Istanbul är jag riktigt intresserad av! 😊
Ja det ska bli så himla kul att se Istanbul, jag längtar verkligen 😊