The strike continues
Yes, the strike continues and today there’s about 550 departures cancelled. They have reinstated flights between Tokyo, Hongkong and Copenhagen, but theres no sign what so ever of the parties comming to an agreement.
So far, it says that our flight tomorrow is on time, but for those of you who has read my previous post about the strike, you know thats not for sure. All other flights to Edinburgh has been cancelled, so its not really looking up. The odds are not in our favor.

I’ve been reading up on what to do if our flight is cancelled, how much of the trip you’ll get refunded but I’m guessing I’ll post that in a seperate post. IF that were to happend. Probobly will though… I’ll keep you in the loop.
What would you do, pack your bags or not?
#flightcancelled #sas #travelblogger
#edinburgh #strike #scotland