Scotland Edinburgh, here we come!
Ah well, its about a week left before we leave for Edinburgh again,
It’s almost time to start packning, but in order to do that I need to unpack the bag. Its still filled with shoes and clothings that I brought with us on our trip ti Madrid. Two months ago. I know.
Anyways, moving on.
Even though I have been to Edinburgh before and I have a pretty clear view of what I want to see and how to spend my days, I’m always open to having an idea pitched. Besides from having a photoshoot booked with the same modellingagency I worked with last year, I dont have any booked plans. So I’m really open for suggenstions.
So, come on people. Give me your best tips and ideas of stuff you really shouldnt miss whilst in Edinburgh?

Me, in a pub drinking cider, during our trip to Edinburgh in 2017.

Men guuu vad underbart!! Hoppas ni får det FANTASTISTK!! kram
Åh tack! 😊
Jag är ganska säker på att det inte kommer att bli en tråkig resa 😋