Reselistan 2019 / Travellist 2019
Hittade en reselista hos Lina och sånt är ju alltid kul att fylla i så här kommer våra svar. Och som vanligt så svarar Angelica på svenska och Ann på engelska. Hoppas att ni uppskattas svaren!
Found a travellist at Linas at seeing as that stuffs always fun, heres our answers. And as usual Angelicas answers are in swedish and Anns are in english. Enjoy the read!
Bästa resan? Best trip?
Thats a though one to answer, tripwise or destination? I think I would have to say Edinburgh, cuz it left me wanting for so much more. Not just wanting to see more of Edinbugh, but of entire Scotland.
Barcelona, när min sambo bestämde sig för att gå ner på knä.
Sämsta resan? Worst trip?
Sithonia, Greece. I know a lot of you love the place, but let me tell you, I was there 20 years ago with my mother and we had the worst trip of my enitre life. The kind of trip where you call in sick from work two weeks after the trip. Not kidding. Truly Horrible. I’ll tell you about that trip some day…
Den var svår för jag jag kan inte minnas att jag har haft en sån pass dålig resa.. som tur är (peppar peppar)
Dyraste resan? Most expensive trip?
Özdere Turkey. The first time I did all inclusive at a fancy resort, and probobly the last time.
Thailand absolut! Vi åkte under jul och nyår med familj så det blev resort och där steg priset saftigt.
Billigaste resan? Cheapest trip?
Budapest, Hungary. Cost next to nothing to travel there, we payed about 100 euro for the flight and the hotel. Amazing.
What she said 😀

Roligaste resan? The most fun trip?
Samos, Greece. It was just one of those trips where you laughed from morning to sundown.
Jag skulle nog säga Budapest, jag älskar allt som har med Budapest att göra. När jag tänker tillbaka på den resan så minns jag inget annat än glädje.
Mest spontana resan? Most spontanious trip?
Edinburgh, Scotland. We booked the trip entirely because I was disapointed over the fact that could go to Gotland for their Christmas weekend in medieval style.
Det måste nog vara Budapest! ”Hittade en billig resa” Bra om två veckor reser vi.
Drömresemål? Dreamdestination?
Oh… is that a trickquestion? New Orleans, Nashville, Marocco… can I only say one?
Oj! USA, Caribbien, Florida, har hundra till.
Bästa hotellet? Best hotel?
Oh hm, I really cant answer that. I only sleep at the hotels when I travel, so the hotels really doesnt matter. As long as its in the center of the city and affordable, I’m good.
Har haft många bra men Marocko tar priset. Hotellet var nästan lika stort som vårat avlånga land. Minigolf, tennisbana, 10 olika ala carte restauranger och stora poolområden. Kommer vara svårt att toppa detta hotell.
Sämsta hotellet? Worst hotel?
Sithonia, Greece. Worst ever!
Första gången jag var i Turkiet, vi åkte i april och renoveringen var inte riktigt klar! Samma dag som vi kom fyllde de upp poolen och på natten brann grannhotellet ned.
Det första du packar innan resa? Whats the first thing you pack?
Extra battery for my camera, it never leaves the bag. And then I keep running around looking for the charger, cuz that always leaves the bag. Buy an extra, I know riight.
Jag vet inte, jag packar om så många gånger..
Vilken plats kan du tänka dig åka tillbaka till? What place would you rather go back to?
Havent I told you like time and time again, Scotland and Italy. To be honest it would be easier to tell you the few places that I’ve been to that I wouldnt want to go back to. Or atleast wouldnt want to go back to right now, for the moment.
Alla utan problem men nu vill jag se lite nytt.
Så himla roligt att läsa sådana listor!
Ja visst är det 😊
Lite mera rosa - Cornelia Tonéri
Den gillade jag så mycket att jag skrev en egen 😊
Åh vad roligt, jag ska genast läsa 😃
I think you should revisit Sithonia and give the place another chance, in a different hotel. One lousy hotel doesn’t mean the whole place is terrible, right?
I would agree with you that Scotland and Italy are fabulous countries to visit. Have you been up to the Isle of Skye yet? It is wonderful. I’ve not been to Morocco but would love to stay in a Riad and enjoy the cuisine.
You did get to visit quite a few countries. Glad you enjoyed your trips 😊
Morocco Desert Tour
Beautiful article! Thanks for sharing morocco.