Who’s your springfling?
So who’s you springfling going to be?
You know that quick fling you have during the spring. A small hook up. An attraction if you may. Maybe thats not an expression used on travels, but stick with me here… we’ve all had this puppy love connection to a place. You just adore it. Or maybe you fall head over heals in love with a place and cant get enough of it. Maybe even facebook stalk it, huh?

I would say that Edinburgh is my springfling, not just a one nighter, more of a reaccuring dream. We met last year and really hit it off, so I cant wait to reconnect during the spring.
Who’s yours?

Firenze har varit min största kärlek sedan dag ett, ingen liten fling, ren förälskelse
Haha känner igen den känslan, hjärtat blöder och man är förkrossad när man måste åka hem.
Firenze har jag dock aldrig besökt, låter spännande. Har du nått blogginlägg med relaterad läsning? 😊
Vietnam is my spring fling. Can’t wait to return.
Tuscany is my spring fling. Can’t wait for the affair to start.
Jay Artale
I haven’t decided on my spring fling yet … I’m keeping it at a surprise – even to me. I’m currently enjoying my winter fling to much to plan into the future.
That sounds amazing Angela 😊
Haha 😃
My husband has been wanting to go to Tuscany for quite some time now, so maybe I should start looking into it 😊
Oh a surprise… maybe it will be love at first sight 😋
I’m heading to Alsace in a couple of weeks, so I’ll have my pick of pretty towns to choose from! Or maybe I’ll just hop over the border to Basel and flirt a little with Switzerland 😂
I think my springfling is MyTown – London is so pretty when it blooms in all colours, The air is cool and refreshing and everything comes out to play .
Lisa Dorenfest
I adore Edinburgh as well and your black and white images deepen that feeling immensely.This spring, I fell in love over and over and over again with Mexico as we traveled overland through 10 of her states and are now sailing up her Pacific Coastline.
Edinburgh is on my list. However the moment for me began as a glipse in Winter with my eyes opeing to Ioannina and now planning a Spring fling.
Haha make sure Basel will not see, so you will not get into trubble Nicky 😃
I really need to get back to London, I have only been once – in a feverdelirium 😃
Thank you Lisa 😊
That sounds intriguing 😊
I have more than one spring fling. Tuscany, Tasmania and Scotland are the three top ones. Can’t wait to visit them again!:-)
I love this concept for being a location instead of a person! My spring fling is NYC. It ook me a few visits to love it and now I can’t stay away.
Carrie Ann | Should Be Cruising
Mine is the Orkney Islands. I’m not visiting until summer, but I’m definitely crushing on it right now! Think I’ll spend quite a bit of time this season looking at photos and making a plan 😃