On last years summer vacation we spent a week in Sicily, mainly Giardini Naxos, but we we managed the time so we had some left for a trip to Taormina, on the east coast of the island.
You know what, as I’m looking through the images that we took during this trip, I realise that theree are lots and lot of images that we havent shown you at all. So I do belive that there will be more post from our trip to Sicily.
Its a beautiful and viberant city, filled with all that Sicily can offer. The smell of pasta at dinner time, the sounds of people sharing some red wine and laughter. And music everywhere. I stronly recomend a trip to Taormina, its a great old town that offers you some massive Sicilian vibes, great wines from Etna and a view of the entire bay.

I have spent every single summer in Giardini naxos, ever since I was a child! And I love Taormina. When I was younger I always used to tell my mom that I wanna get married in… taormina Haha…
Fina bilder från Taormina! Där var vi 2015 😊
Awh, that really cute =)
I loved Taormina, it is a great town. Would love to see more of Italy though.
Ja det är verkligen superfint där 😊
Wow, vilken fin blogg och fina bilder!! 😍
Nämen åh tack, vad glad jag blir 😊
Välkommen hit!