Most people talk about that one big great epic love and they might be right, but I doubt it… I have fallen in love with so many cities the last couple of years and I still keep falling.

Sounds a bit dramatic perhaps, but I think you will understand when I tell you that I get to bring my friends along when we’re checking off number two on the bucketlist of 2019. Yes, I get to introduce my friends to one of my great loves, Edinburgh.
I’ve been nagging on Angelica, really going on and on about Edinburgh and she finally caved. I even got her to watch all of my favorite shows that takes place in Edinburgh and around Scotland.
Isn’t that fantastic news to share on a friday?
Jag älskar också Edinburgh ❤
Ja det är en fantastisk stad, även om jag bara varit där en gång så känns det lite somhemma 😊