Dublin by night

I’ve told you about Angelicas fiances love for bridges right?
Dont really know when it started but he’s got this thing about walking over bridges, so where ever we go, he’s always talking absout the bridges. I think I’ve I’ve told you about this before. Anyways, Dublin have a lot of bridges, in a variety of sizes and shapes. Ha´Penny bridge is the most iconic pedestrian bridge, O’Connell Bridge is dating back to 1794, Millennium Bridge is the one you cross when getting to and from Tempel Bar area and yes the list goes on… but to sum it up, I liked them all the best at night, when they were all beautifly lit up.
Åh, jag älskar Dublins broar!
Jag har faktiskt aldrig varit i Dublin, även om vi spenderade 16 dagar i Irland i våras 😉
haha ja det finns en del att välja imellan 😊
Men då har du ju missat en fantastisk stad, sätt upp den på listan över städer som ska bör besöka i framtiden 😊
Vart i Irland var ni?