Yes Gotland and especially Visby, has gained a special place in my heart during the last last couple of years. You know I’ve told you that we go to Gotland one week every summer just to be apart of the medieval week. Which is awesome, you should really try it if you havent already.
But I wanted to show you a little bit of why Visby is so popular. Look at these images of the surroundings. And this is just images from the center of Visy, around the encircling walls with its twentyseven towers. The entire island is filled with wonders and magic. It kind of has everything. History, beauty, great food, beaches and exploration opportunities.
And on that note, we have decided not to go to Gotland this summer, even though we love it and it kind feels like we’re cheating on Gotland with another island. I dragged Angelica with me for the medieval week last summer, for her first time, but it will not be her last. Maybe we’ll be able to go there for the winterfestivals instead. Maybe maybe, we’ll see.
Have you ever been to Gotland?

Marias Memoarer
Jag var väldigt liten när jag var på Gotland, så jag uppskattade ju inte det jag skulle uppskatta idag. Därför vill jag gärna göra ett återbesök som vuxen 😊
Jag tycker absolut att du ska åka dit, det är ett perfekt ställe oavsett om man åker med barn, som par eller själv. Dyrt att leva inne i Visby dock, tänk stockholmspriser + moms 😊
Jay Artale
It’s always tempting to keep returning to the same destinations, because you know you’re not going to be disappoinited, but it’s so important to try new places and broden our horizons in the hope that our choice turns out to be a good one.
We have like 10 minutes to the boat that takes us to Gotland from where we live, so that makes it easy to return to the island 😊
Så sant 💗 Ah, mitt Gotlands-hjärta smälter av att läsa sådant här 😅❤️!
Jag längtar så tills vi kan komma över nästa gång, vi har en inbokad resa, men vi får se hur det blir med resandet i sommar 😊 Men jag längtar!