Bucketlist for 2019
Okey, lets do one of thease bucketlists for 2019… is it cheating to put Madrid on the bucketlist, even though we already booked it?
- Madrid – Yes, I’m putting it in there. It’s a safe way to get one point.
- Rome – Ann has been there, done that, but she wouldnt mind doing it again. Angelica hasent been there so it would be a great city to visit together.
- New Orleans – that a bit of an overreach, but a bucketlist doesnt have to be all obtainable, does it?
- Malta – we’ve talked about going to Malta for years now, for the history and the sun ofcourse, so I say it’s about time we get there.
- Scotland – yes I do Scotland, and I would love to go back to Edinburgh, but I wouldnt mind going to Inverness either.
- Paris – when we booked our trip to Dublin, the location choises we had at the time was Dublin and Paris, and seeing as Dublin won at that time, Paris is still in the running. Hopefully we’ll be able to go there during the late summer or fall.
- Skopje – the capital of Macedonia. This is a city that just recently fell into my radar and its seems like a beautiful city that I would love to explore.
- Kopenhagen – I know right, two swedes that havent been to Denmark, thats almost to embarrassing to admit. But it’s true, and that alone is one reason that we just have to go, wouldnt you agree?

Seeing as we did eight trip during 2018, it wouldn’t be that far off to imagine that we could do all of the eight that we have listed above. But then again, a girl can dream and then make her wants and needs become reality.
//A & A
Malta är superfint! Vi har varit där tre gånger, och gillar verkligen ön med alla charmiga små städer, vacker natur, god mat etc! 😊
Jag håller verkligen tummarna för att vi kommer iväg till Malta, de har så fantastiskt mycket historia kring Order of St John som jag så gärna vill se och uppleva 😊
Ooo, I hope you get/got to go to a bunch of these! I love Scotland and really want to go back there someday. Malta is such a pretty place too! :]
Hi Farrah, I did go to Edinburgh in Scotland and Madrid in Spain, so I have picked off two from the list 😊
What a lovely list of destinations! I hope you made it all in 2019. Some of these are still on my bucket list.
unfortunatly we did not make the entire list, not even half of it… :O