Nynäshamns ångbryggeri
This weekend we visited a local micro brewery for a beertasting and christmas food smorgasbord. Is that how you describe it? Does that even make sence? Hopefully it does.
Anyways, we visited Nynäshamns Ångbryggeri, which is the microbrewery located closest to us. And I’m a bit ashamed to admit that this was my first time ever visiting the brewery. I dont know why really, I pass it a few times a month, but I guess it’s never been the right time.
I do like beers, or rather stouts and porter, that’s more up my alley. And the microbrewery’s got some really good once when it comes to that, but to my surprise I really liked one of their Ales the best. They had one with a hint of nutmeg, cumin, carnation vanilla and freshly chopped orange peel. That one I really enjoyed, several of them.
The food was amazing. It was a classic Swedish smorgosbord of christmas foods, with pickled herring, different kinds of salmon, ham, meatballs and mini sausages, eggs, pie and of course a lot of cheese. One of my favorite foods during christmas is a Swedish casserole made with potatoes, onions, pickled sprats, bread crums and cream called Janssons Frestelse (temptation), which they had a mean one.
What is your favorite food during the holidays?

Så fantastisk fint där. Tusen tack för tipset❤❤
Ja Ångbryggeriet rekommenderas starkt, har du inte varit där så tycker jag absolut att du ska åka =)
Tusen tack, jag har aldrig varit där. Det ser magiskt 💕
Emma Engström
Wow så mysigt!! <3
Ja Emma, det var verkligen supermysigt, om du har möjligheten så ta dig tiden och åk dit =)