Medieval week
I do belove that I have forgotten to show you some of the images from medieval week in Visby, Gotland this summer. So here we go…

Pure magic if you ask me. The flickering lights, the food, the music, the dressed up people, the dressed up people dancing on the tables to the contemporary music in the most spectacular enviroment.
Have you ever seen or experienced anything like it?
Jay Artale
Looks like a once in a lifetime event. What’s the weather like during this time of the year? Do it get cold in the evening, or does the dancing keep you warm.
The weather differs from year to year… once it was hot as *beep* during the days and nights, and another time it was cold as … well beep 😃 Its an island outside of Stockholm, so its a bit windy. But the island it self is beautiful 😊
If you have the time, go the first week of august, that way you can see the island and the festival.