This weeks best…
… is the new challange in the #nouwautumnchallenge.

Me, in a street in Edinburgh, Scotland.
And to me, this weeks best is that the series of Diana Gabaldon has released it’s fourth season. I know right, who doesnt love Outlander?
The series was my initial inspiration when it comes to traveling to Scotland. Before I started watching the series I had never really thought of Scotland as a destination I wanted to visit, but as the series dragged me along the highlands I started reading up on the history of Scotland, I was mezmerize. Who wouldnt want to go to Scotland and visit Edinburgh or Inverness after reading the history, just to walk down the streets or eavesdropping a wee bit on a Scottish Gaelic conversation. Ha, right!

I loved the story of the series so much that I started reading all of the books. And dont even get me started when it comes to the theme song. Did you know that the themesong is actually about when Bonny Pince Charles escaping Scotland after the final battle in Culloden in 1746?
The fourth season of the series are unfolded in North Carolina in USA and that is defenatly a destination I would want to visit. So the best part of this week has most definatly getting inspired again by my all time favorite show Outlander to travel the world.
Hand up, who’s watching the show?

Såklart! Den är verkligen förtrollande:)
Oh ja, på flera sätt än ett 😋