My best tip for a great autumn – staycation
Yes, staycation is actually a thing. It’s a play on words, two words combined into one. The expression was founded back in the year 2008 in USA because of the economical crisis, that made the gasprices increase way above the normal so a lot of people couldnt afford to go on their regulare vacation. Nowadays the word is used casually, it doent mean you have to stay at home, but close to home.
So my best tip for a great autumn, go on a staycation.
– Pack a bag, and check in to one of your close by hotels for the weekend.
There are lots and lots of great and not that pricy hotels all over Sweden, just give it some time, and I’m sure you can find something close by, maybe even local.
– Make it a slumberparty. Wouldnt that be great, I dont I’ve been on a sleepover since… I dont even know. SInce I was a teenager.
– Take daytrips and explore whats in your local surroundings, I bet you have something really cool, really close to home that you havent seen.
– Explore nature. I know a lot of you take the Swedish countryside for granted, like yeah yeah it’s beautiful, but it really is. Look outside, the autumn can be really stunning. Just take a look at that picture below. I have the privilige of working next to the ocean, so I get to see that sunset. It only last about ten minutes, but those ten minutes last me much longer, especially if I share them. And the best thing of all is that it doesnt cost you a pretty penny to share that special moment with the once you love.

Share love and have a great staycation.
#nouwautumnchallenge #travelblog
Så vakert och så sant. Jag tycker mycket om din blogg för att är mycket intressant och för att jag kan engelska varje dag. Tack❤
Åh vad roligt att höra, stort tack! =)